in #wono3 years ago


The WONO platform will fill in as a commercial center where clients can exchange, trade unmistakable resources just as administrations. Above all else, the three most clear models are the leasing of vehicles, convenience/houses and the contribution of independent work and administrations.

In the exemplary sharing model, for instance, a client leases a loft and pays various expenses that add up to around 50-70% of the genuine worth of the help. That is a mind boggling aggregate. Presently many will yell: "NO that is false, the expenses are just 20% or less!". This is hastily right, however assuming you take a gander at the whole monetary cycle so you can rapidly get to half - 70%. There must likewise be covered assessments, trade expenses for the distinctive Fiat monetary forms and obviously, there are mediators who have additionally acquired a piece of the cake with their work. WONO will change this multitude of elements with the more straightforward technique for simply a solitary exchange between the two specialists.

The second diagram beneath shows that any type of "dealing with the water head", as we call it in Germany, has been cut off. The charges are accordingly decreased essentially to a base. The main thing left is the commision and the low change charges of the WONO tokens. In addition, since tokens are not viewed as computerized resources and not cash, they don't need to be burdened, essentially not yet. Accordingly, the main critical obstacle in the current sharing business sector is killed, with the assistance of the WONO stage.


As a second basic point, which the WONO group assaults with their vision, I see the out of line division of the current sharing business sector. In a distributed market, there is just no syndication conceivable, and the clients of the stage browse great many offers their favored one, and afterward they are in direct trade with someone else and not with an organization in the middle. The enormous issue of "trust" likewise streams into this point. I need to accept me for instance. In my dynamic time abroad I utilized sharing stages like "Couchsurfing". Quite often everything went as I wished. Presently a couple of years after the fact I began searching for my next trip, thus as of late I managed this point again and, among different organizations, staggered over Airbnb. I have no involvement in the organization myself so I looked for assessments and what I found there in the group were uncalled-for single record erasures, a zero correspondence strategy and disturbing debasing treatment of clients. I quickly ceased from utilizing their administration because of the enormous measure of models introduced by previous clients.

I'm anticipating utilizing the WONO stage for this very explanation. In light of the straightforward and unchangeable construction of the blockchain, there won't be something like this, as we see today in practically all current sharing stages.

To make an unmistakable and organized framework, there will be various situations on the WONO stage itself. The client will be one of them, yet additionally the actual qualities, like houses, vehicles, cruisers, and different merchandise will be placed into isolated classifications there. Notwithstanding, that is not all.


Bargains are a fundamental guide for two clients toward agree by any stretch of the imagination. In an arrangement, all conditions are fixed to which the two gatherings meet up with one another. These are for instance the cost and the span of the agreement. The most straightforward method for depicting this is to lease a vehicle. Without a time span and an aggregate to pay, no one will need to offer their vehicle or recruit it. Plus, each incident should be recorded in case of harm and notwithstanding that the need of protection, should be fixed as well. There are numerous different arrangements which are documented in an arrangement. Should something not go as arranged, there is the place of exchange. This will be a client decentralized democratic framework that assists with settling a contention. Every client can fill this position, however not in his own agreements on the stage, and I trust I don't need to clarify the WHY here.

So for my purposes, one of the most basic parts of the WONO Platform is the rating framework. It is only difficult to construct a stage dependent on trust when there is no reasonable way how a client can decide whom he is managing and what the nature of the labor and products are. I have exclusive standards for this point in the WONO framework and am extremely inquisitive with regards to the viable application. An uncensored non-manipulable rating framework is one of the principle mainstays of the achievement of a P2P stage. This point will conclude whether or not the WONO stage will be acknowledged. I trust that the WONO group with their AI arrangement has a secret weapon and that we will at last have a really reasonable and completely working rating framework.

For more information, got to

Website: https://wono.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/wonoworld
Facebook: https://fb.me/wonoworld
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wonoworld
Medium: https://medium.com/@wonoworld
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3398728
Steemit: @wonoworld
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wonoworld/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonoworld/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/wonoworld
Github: https://github.com/wonorepo
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiOBgJO_VZm-rDXLMi6IP2A
Whitepaper: https://wono.io/assets/i18n/en/wp.pdf

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