International Women's Day- (A not that late) Tribute to the amazing Steemit ladies I've met

in #womensday7 years ago (edited)

Yes I know International Women's Day was a few days ago now, but those who know me, know I'm always on Mom time, so I'm actually just in time :P

Credits to

I did start writing this post that day, but have had to finish it bit by bit since then. And now I finished this up as I was tuning into My Life in 8 Songs, and 2 of the awesome ladies that I feature here in this post were actually live on the show tonight :D

I wanted to do this post because I've met quite a few amazing ladies through steemit (some in real life, some on the platform), in fact every single female steemian I've met in person has been amazing in some way. I've already learnt a lot from some of them and continue to be inspired. So for this post, I wanted to focus on all the these ladies I've had the pleasure to meet in real life.

In the order that I met these awesome people since I started my journey on Steemit:

(Credits to @planetauto)

I met you after the London Investor Show last year, and you were open and kind, it was great to get to know you and hear about your ventures. I love and was very inspired by the fact that you are not shy in exploring all your interests in life :) Very excited for you to get your Porsche!

Favourite memory: Sitting and chatting with you and @s0ul, I loved hearing about your very interesting pasts!


I met you because you came down with, and although we didn't get to chat much at all, you were very sweet and obviously very passionate about what you do. I hope your love for cars has only grown, and I hope you find time for Steemit again :)


I met you at the meetup you organized last year after the London Investor Show, you were very friendly and happy to chat. It was fun to listen to how you got started on Steemit. I've since gotten to know you a lot more after the Christmas Supper Club you hosted, and especially at the more recent meetups/events, and have had some good fun with you. You are crazy hardworking, and very focused and driven, we're both 1988 babies and although we currently live pretty different lives, you inspire me, and I really enjoy working with you :)

Favourite memory: Your 30th after party, not going to say much about it but it was so nice to see you "let your hair down" ;)


(credits to @ivargereiko)

I met you at Alla's Christmas supper club, I knew about you through promo-steem, but had no clue you'd be there, so it was a very pleasant surprise to meet you. I was so glad to meet another Chinese steemian in person, and was delighted to find that you are a really genuine and kind person too. I love your dedication to your blog, and am so glad to be getting to know you more.

Favourite memory: Sitting across the table to you and @ezzy at the Supper club, some amazing conversations and a lot of laughs later, I concluded that you guys were awesome :)

Yuta of @extremeromance

I met you at the Supper club, and you were so awesome to talk to, I loved your vibe, and very excited for what you guys are up to at the moment. Shame we couldn't do a leaving do for you guys, but I'm sure our paths will cross again one day!


I met you because of Humans of Steemit, I loved the project and came to love you and what you do here on Steemit. We became friends, because why wouldn't we? And we met in real life because my little family went to Amsterdam for a family holiday, and we were able to plan for us to visit you in Rotterdam. You are awesome, and I'm so happy for you now that you've transitioned to being a full time Steemian! I haven't forgotten the collab ideas I mentioned, just let me get my shit together, and I know they will all happen at the right time.

Favourite memory: Just sitting and talking deep with you while the kids were playing in the park in Rotterdam, hope we get to do that again :)


I met you because of Steemsugars, we did a little London meetup and little did either of us know that we'd get along so well. I enjoy our "candid conversations", recorded and not recorded, and know there will be many more to come. I love your wisdom and philosophies in life, and love how you choose to live life and travel, as you know. You're on another travel adventure now, and I am so happy for you ❤️

Favourite memory: Quite a few to pick from, but that night at Leon with @meanmommy33 was pretty cool wink wink wink and also when you came to meet the family :D


I also met you, Ate, because of Steemsugars, and was very glad to meet another Filipino steemian in real life :D You are so sweet, and sooo funny (sometimes very very unexpectedly!). You have such a kind and generous heart, and you could never switch it off even if you tried. It's amazing that you are also an NHS nurse (but not for much longer!!), so much respect for you for that. I will miss you when you move, but I'll come see you in the Phils!

Favourite memory: Lots to pick from, but my favourite for now is definitely the first day we met. You were meant to leave at 4pm after a short afternoon meet, which of course didn't work out that way at all, did it? :P


You were one of the steemians I found by chance on Steemit! And because it was obviously meant to be, I met you on steemit just in time to invite you very last minute to the small London meetup I was having with @teodora and @immarojas, and you were able to make it too! We had such an amazing afternoon together, getting to know each other and connecting through our very different paths in life. You're about to embark on an amazing adventure, I'm grateful to have met you, and look forward to seeing how your life has changed when you come back from all you experience out there ❤️

Favourite memory: The first time we met! When we were chilling at the pub and getting to know each other :)


You were the first new Steemian I met that day at the big London Meetup, we didn't get to chat much then, but did get to at the Wholefoods meetup. I love that you always have so many questions about Steemit, you obviously really want to understand the platform. I may not follow your posts closely, but I know you engage a lot in the community, and that's amazing!

Favourite memory: Getting to know you more at the Wholefoods meetup


We met only very briefly at the big London meetup, where you travelled down from Birmingham for, and hardly got to chat. I love that you were happy to make that effort to join us, you are obviously very enthusiastic about Steemit. Looking forward to getting to know you more in time, and hope to see you again soon!


We met at the big London meetup we joined forces in organizing. Was great to finally meet you in person, after chatting with you behind the scenes. You are so kind and helpful, as it shows with the meetups you were eager to organize for the sake of newbies. Glad to get to know you a lot more at the Wholefoods meetup, and looking forward to having some fun with you this summer with the ideas we've mentioned!

Favourite memory: The conversations that wouldn't end in Wholefoods. Watching you and @adetorrent debate :P


So I actually met you at the Supper club first, but I'm not counting that because we only said hi to each other. We properly met at the London meetup in Jan, I'm so glad you finally decided to be active on Steemit (probably not as much as your sister though :P), because you're fucking awesome. You love fun, I love fun, so we get along just fineeee.... We will 420, maybe :P

Favourite memory: Hmm... everytime I see you, we have a ton of fun, but I guess the one that pops out most is during the recent promo-steem meetup we had at yours :D


I met you at the Wholefoods meetup, thanks for Sara, and you were really friendly and fun to chat to, I hope to see you again at some point, especially if we work out a yoga get together :)


Where do I start? We met on Steemsugars (you being the creator and all :P), and I remember it was because you told @ashleykalila to invite me onto the server after you read my Humans of Steemit interview. We didn't necessarily click straight away online, but we sure did when we finally met in person, when you came to London in Feb. We had so. much. fun! I love that your last night here ended up being such an epic night! You are soo awesome, passionate and full of personality, you do soooo much on Steemit and for Steemit, and you absolutely inspire me. Looking forward to our collab ideas! I better find a way to make it work so I can come to @copensteem, because I reallly want to see you again soon!

Favourite memory: The 2 days you were here in London were legen - wait for it- (and I hope you're not lactose intolerant) dary. But actually my favourite memory is the moment we first met, I loved that you were so surprised that I had a deep voice (because you somehow expected me to have a high pitched voice), I find it hilarious because I thought the exact same thing about you hahaha <3

Norma of @buttpacker

So glad to meet you at the recent promo-steem meetup, more than anything, because I finally met my first fellow Hong Kong Steemian, hells yea! I only got to chat to you a bit, but you are awesome and so fun (BLUEBERRY CIGGIES <3), and I hope we get to do something before your big travel plans to milk those Cathay pacific benefits!

So these are the lady steemians I've met in person, all amazing in their own way. I know I will continue to meet more, but I am grateful for the ones I have met so far and even more grateful for the ones I've become good friends with since. Thank you all <3

Happy (belated) International Women's Day, to all reading this, I hope you feel loved, respected and valued!

I mentioned #Steemsugars a lot here, so in case you didn't know, it is an amazing community created by @meanmommy33 after Steemfest2, with the purpose of helping to bring more female presence onto Steemit and into crypto. Anyone is welcome (especially if you share that sentiment), just click this banner to join :)

Thanks for reading!

Much Love from RedRica :)


@rea and @meanmommy33 were great guests on the My Life in 8 Songs show last night.

Thank you @redrica. I feel honoured to be on this list since we've not had the opportunity to spend much time together yet.

Your kindness and warm welcome towards me are very much appreciated and I look forward to getting to know you better. 💙

How's you Gillian? Long time!

I am well @immarojas. Thank you. Just enjoying a wonderful Mothering Sunday with my family.

Life on Steemit is a bit of a roller coaster ride but overall positive. Hope you are well! 💙

Haha agree with that roller coaster ride! Am trying to lessen it. Hope you had a great day today😊😋

Yep. I'm trying to lessen the roller coaster nature of the ride too. I'm hoping to maybe start some art again soon as, now it's a bit warmer, I can get back in the attic.

Have a fun week! 😊

Likewise :) Lots of opportunities coming up!

What an amazing post my sweet @redrica !!!! <3 <3 <3

All those amazing familiar faces !!!
Thank you for all the mentions and kind words !!!
My self-eSTEEM goes certainly up when you talk like this ahahaha !!!

We didn't click online? Stop lying to people :P :P Ok maybe not as much as when met in person ;))) But I was indeed amazed from the Humans of Steemit interview - I told @ashleykalila I WANTS DIS HUMAN IN DA GROUP ahahaha xD <3 <3 <3 But yeah,in person...that voice ....THAT voice !!! heart eyes <3 <3 <3

That night at Leon with @teodora was DA BEST for sure ....
Thank you for your patience my whole time there though !
Thank you for your hard work with @steemsugars, you're the only one helping me at this point haha!
Thank you for promoting us always! And thank you for BEING YOU!
Incredible mom, cutest face, amazing mind !!!

I really hope you'll make it to @copensteem - if not, oh well, I'll just pop to London again for a few days, no biggie xD

Hahhaa I was definitely feeling very sentimental, so I let it all out in this post ;) Let that self esteem go up, hot stuff, as it should!

Another reason I love you is because you see everything! You appreciate the little things that a lot of people wouldn't even bother mentioning. We're both very perceptive, so I think we can be great at bringing each other up. Loving our friendship so far! And LOVE working with you!!

So Yes!! If I can't make it to copensteem, then pleaseeee come down to London and stay at my place and get spoilt :D

Oh !!! Am I invited ??? 'Cause you know, I should xD
Also ON copensteem and ON London xD [on the floor LMAOing at my own joke - you know, 'cause Taurus :P :D ]

Yes you are :)

Grammar war!! :P

Awww, I'm honoured to be mentioned in this beautiful post! I fucking love you already and we've only hung out a few times. Haha

Can't wait for many more fun memories to come - you're literally are a super human, mum, party gal and everything in between!

When am I seeing you again? :-)

Hahaha love it! Yes I fucking love you already too, how can I not?!

And I love that description of me, thank you <3 I will wear it with pride :D

Hopefully this week!! Will message you soon ;)

That's right! :D

Ah, Alla and I are going home for nan's 80th but after that I'm free-er!

Ah yea of course! Have an awesome time with your Nan, I hope she's also the partying type :D

When are you both back?

Haha she will be with us there! 😝

Back on Sunday night, ma darling :-)

Awww thank you ate! You both should be singers with those lovely voices😍😍
What time do you sleep😂🤣

Haha yes that's the plan ;)

Don't ask :P although last night was a one off, I almost finished the post at 1ish and then no.2 woke up and I had to leave it and go to bed with her, but I was determined to finish the post, so I woke up afterwards to go and finish it haha

Oh is it?? Openmic???!

You'll see in 2 weeks hahah :P

No set plans yet, but we know we should!

Really wow!! Waiting.

Thank you for being an inspiring woman & Steemian too! :)

Aw thank you :)


My darling friend, this is lovely!!!

So happy to have met you as well!!


Hehe 😊 hope we can get together again soon <3

Haha I love this kind of gratitude posts. I like to have a morning few minutes ritual to take time to thank people in my life. It's shaping my day and I forgot it lately. Thank you for reminding me that. Hugs and love 😍😍

You're welcome! Just gave you another good excuse to think about us, your amazing friends :P

I love to read such lovely posts that celebrate the women sisterhood, and gratitude and love! I hope I'll get to know you and all the other lovely ladies you mentioned here that I don't know personally yet :) Keep spreading the love @redrica!

Aw thanks @raluca! Definitely hope to get to know you more too :)

Aww so kind it was such a pleasure getting to know you as well :))) xxx to many More memories!!

Absolutely! We're gonna have some fun this year ;)

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