Lies Common To All Women

in #women7 years ago

Everyone tell lies, it something we all are guilty of, even if your are holy, you cant deny that you have never been faced with situations where you had to lie to escape. However there are some lies that are common among people. Am sure you have heard of the girl and guy code, somethings only fellow guys and ladies know about and understand. However am here to spill today..I would be talking about lies that are common to ladies, lies they can’t do without or have lied at one point or the other.

The most common one..I’m on my period

Most ladies can’t denying using this line at one point or the other of their life, it’s the easiest punchline to evade compromising situations. When a lady is alone with a guy, probably her boyfriend but wouldn’t want any sexual activity to take place , this line is the easiest getaway. Married women are not left out as well, something’s the hubby might want things to get all steamy and all the action, meanwhile she is too tired or not in the mood for that, I am on my period is the next thing she says. This is because the thought of even attempting to proceed becomes really gross . Most times you might be darn sure it’s a lie but you should learn to respect her decision and just stop.

The common one..Age

The is one lie most women are guilty of, at times being a man you don’t even bother asking because you already know the answer. Most ladies would like to decrease their age or only just give you an idea with “I am in my y early or mid 20’s but you sure are not going to get the exact age. They could just spill at times, everything boils down to who is asking and how important you mean to them.

The normal thing...I’m okay

Whenever you notice any sudden change in attitude or countenance on a ladies face and ask what’s up, if she tell you “am ok” or “no problem at all”....I can authoritatively tell something is actually wrong, you just have to use your intuition, you may have just erred her in a way or said something she is displeased with...try to take control of the situation and remember always observe a woman’s body language because it speaks volumes.

Give me 5 minutes more

Never waste your time on timing a woman when you are about to go out together, her extra 5 minutes demand means give me extra 15-20 minutes, You just have be patient with them , dressing and making up is an exam they must pass, an A is the only acceptable grade. I hope you understand what the extra 5 minutes means now

The sympathetic lie.... I came!!!

Am sure most of us understand what “I came” means, if you don’t you could check it up...So after doing all the stunting, kung fu and taekwondo and it all finally ends with the man panting, now he wants to know if justice has been done on the pitch, he ask’s “did you come?”...”sure I did” she replies even when she wasn’t close to. The lie just had to come through because after all the rigorous exercise, she telling him she didn’t could hurt his feelings.



Not everyone lies.
You can eliminate the need to lie if you want to.
It can take a while, but once you stop doing it you won't want to do it again.
You may not stop your mind inventing them but they don't have to pass your lips.

Yes @hammaraxx, you have a very good point, Thanks for commenting :)

A lot of people lie on accident, when they don't mean to, it just naturally comes out.

Yes bud, lying to some people could be so surreal, it feels normal. However, some lie only when they need to, the major thing is we trying to reduce the rate at which we lie to the barest minimum to avoid being tagged a chronic liar. Thanks for commenting :)

Keep up the great posts. Followed and Upvoted.
In different degrees ... it could be true that almost everybody lies.tumblr_n9t7fwUljm1r90377o1_500.gif

Thanks for the kind words, it was highly appreciated, you are not actually following but I followed already :)

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