Equality doesn't Exist

in #women6 years ago

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I know you are told otherwise, but it's true. And I am totally ok with it. You see, I'm not in competition with anyone. I know that each of us has a role that we are best suited to. What everyone is trying to do is give simple steps for most people to live successfully. The janitor is not any better or worse than the professor. They are simply different roles. You assign your own value to things. You choose to see the garbage man as lesser than you. Or the baker as better.
Knowing your role helps you better understand how to fulfil it. And here's the best part! You can change your role if you're unhappy with it! So, you see! No role is bad, it's simply different. There are detriments and benefits to every situation. Information is simply your barometer to tell you which direction to focus. Don't get mad, get better!

Are Men and Women the Same?

In the quest for equality, are we failing to see the beauty in our inherent gifts? I saw a tweet the other day where a young woman wanted to be permanently sterilized. She was lamenting the fact her doctor suggested she wait, because she may change her mind. Her takeaway was that men were controlling her, even ones she had yet to meet.
I would say she just gave a whole lot of her power away and she does not have a full grasp on life.
You see, being over 40 I can tell you that I have changed my mind, many times. I've completely changed my mind on many things, including having children. My comprehension of life is a complete 180 from what it was a few years ago.
Circumstances change you. Life changes you.

A friend of mine said to me "You just fully feel every moment as it comes. You work through it as it is happening". This resonates with me. My life has been intense but I appreciate each piece as it gave me the well-rounded perspective I hold now.
Women are inherently powerful, perhaps we haven't been as flamboyant about it as men. Women's power can often be quietly in the background. Knowing the power of the observer and the anonymity of blending in is awesome to behold.
We hold the power of guiding the next generation. Oh, the immense power there!
I'm sorry that a lot of women go the wrong idea and started this whole thing of being oppressed. You are whatever you choose to be. If you want to be oppressed then keep creating that idea for yourself, but if you could, keep it over there. I prefer freedom and my inherent feminine power.