It's A Man World : Japan Alarming Cases Of Gender Marginalization

in #women6 years ago (edited)


Women pass through a lot in the current society and some times there are stories you see that make you wonder on the level of marginalization they pass through

I believe that this is the major reason why feminism has grown widely , it is one of the ways Women are using to fight back for themselves

Places like the middle east did not allow women to drive cars , it was just this year in June that Saudi Women were allowed to drive. And the videos posted by the Women that started driving Immediately after the Law was changed showed that this was not their first time

They had obviously been driving in secret and the lifting of the Ban just gave them Liberty to do it in private.

I rarely post on Life issues like this , but what prompted me to write this post, was the news that I have been seeing online over the past year ranging from news of Female harassment and even molestation in work places

A study by Contently Foundation shows that women earn 10% less than Men in the public sector, and the pay imbalance was very visible in sectors like Engineering ,Tech and Law Enforcement In places like Carlifornia the gap is as much 24%

However let me move on the straw that broke the Camel back. I wrote this because I came across an admission by Tokyo Medical school that they adjusted test scores to reduce the chances of Women

They had been doing this as far back as 2006 , this has ensured that there were significantly more Male Doctors than Female Doctors

It is the same Japan that is sending officials to take sexual harrassment courses after the high rate of sexual scandals

I think that this is not just a thing of test scores or office romance, it will seem like that the Japanese culture does not have any regard for Women, if this is true then I believe that a national orientation is needed

The next generation may suffer an even bigger consequence if this issues are not resolved now.


Investigations at the school revealed that Women test scores were reduced by 20% while Male applicants saw a 20% increase in their test scores. This is very sad, and I can just can Imagine how these women will feel when the story burst

The manipulation was revealed during an investigation into the alleged “backdoor entry” of an education ministry bureaucrat’s son in exchange for favourable treatment for the school in obtaining research funds. The bureaucrat and the former head of the school have been charged with bribery.

I am still Imagining what will make someone give or recieve bribes so that women will be scored less in medical Test scores. It is one thing to believe that Women can't become good doctors, it is another thing to go as far as putting structures in place to put them at a disadvantage

This has ruined the goodwill and reputation of Medical Schools all over the country. And it is hard to gain trust in the system

The medical school has promised that the issue won't repeat itself, but I don't believe it is a matter of promise, It is a matter of setting up a body to fully investigate the issue as it is suspected to be going on in other schools

A lot of orientation is needed and this is no something I believe that will be cleared instantly, there is a lot of work to be done

Thanks For Reading

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FOllow @ogochukwu

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