Celebrating International Women’s Day with my Little Women

in #women7 years ago (edited)


Women of the future

Today I spent International Women's Day in the best way possible....with my own three little women of the future! Technically I spend everyday with them! But today all the activities were centered around Women's Day.


Glitter and food

In the morning I took the baby (AKA Mini Me 3) to the local Children's Centre which had organised a celebration to mark International Women's Day. The usual activities were set out for children plus face paints and other exciting things for kids. They also had snacks and hot food. Mini Me 3 and myself thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Each woman was given a small wooden memory box to decorate with her child. The idea was to write down nice little moments and keep them in the box as a memory (what people used to do before social media!) Mini Me 3 really got into the decorating and it turned into a bit of a glitter storm!






The Children's Centre also had a massage therapist there with her massage chair giving women free massages. I couldn't be bothered to wait in the queue but it looked pretty good. Then there was a presentation by women from the local community who talked about ways in which they had bettered their lives or how they were balancing studying and motherhood. There was a real spirit of sisterhood and support.


Books to inspire

After picking up Mini Me 1 and Mini Me 2 from school we headed to our local Foyles Bookshop to check out their Women's Day display. My kids love books and although these days I encourage them to borrow new books from the library, I like treating them to new books sometimes. Especially ones as special as these!



I'm so happy that my daughters have access to so many beautiful and inspiring books about women. I don't remember having anything like this when I was a child! Ideally we wouldn't have to have books specifically about successful women but in most books about successful "people" it's often the majority men and women's contributions often get overlooked. Plus Mini Me 1 and Mini Me 2 sometimes complain to me that there are not many people in books they read that look like them. This is why I try and get them books featuring women of colour, or people of colour as is the case with the book "Young Gifted and Black".


To finish off our little celebration we had dinner at our favourite pasta place. Definitely a day worthy of the memory box!


Wishing you all a happy International Women's Day!

strong women.jpg

MummyImperfect x


Beautiful post and photos. You have beautiful kids. Time spent with loved ones is the most beautiful time.
Happy Woman's Day!

Thank you 🙂. I’ve just looked at your profile and you have 4! That’s lovely.

A bit late but : Happy International Women's day! Your little daughter seems to be very creative with glitter! I also realise there are more successful men mentioned in books and not so many women. Especially coloured women are not really mentioned in books. I am pretty sure there are enough successful (coloured) women. Being a woman and a mom is already something amazing. You can ask a man to take over your role as a mom/wife. They won't be able to survive hehehe. People forget that those successful men are pushed out in to this world by women :-D. XO

Very true! Mums/wives are often underappreciated. It's a full time job to look after kids and a home, be a life coach to them, a cook, a chauffeur, a teacher, and many other things. Men are amazing in their own way but NO man can multitask like that! :-D

Aww what a sweet post, and it looked like an amazing way to spend women's day!

Loving the glitter storm! As long as it's anywhere else but home hahah

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