in #women6 years ago


How many times in a day do I have to remind myself I’m not perfect.

Nobody’s perfect. It’s okay not to be perfect.

If anything eats at me and sabotages my happiness and peace of mind, it’s that.

I have inner demons, just like everyone else. They feed off my guilt and spread it through my body like a virus. You’re a lousy mom. You’re a lousy person. You don’t deserve this life.

And on the bad days, I believe them.

But what I need — what a lot of women I know need –is some grace. Give yourself some grace!

No one expects me to be perfect. No one expects you to be perfect. Or if they do, they aren’t people you should waste your time on. Mom bashing is far to common these days, and it’s disgusting.

Stay away from people whose mom bash you or anyone else. They have more inner demons that you can imagine.

The fact is, I don’t know a single mother I don’t admire and respect for their unconditional love, their strength, and their perseverance. We don’t all parent the same, but we all lead with our hearts. We are all doing the best we can with the experience, information, and resources available to us.

My wish for you today is to lead with your heart. To count your blessings. And to let go of your guilt.

It’s all about grace! Remember, whatever you think or feel, the universe will always say YES. What does your YES look like?


Anything you do in this world there must be people who is against you or for you. Some are neither in nor out ,always not on their right. Nobody is perfect, all you have to do is do the right things and never mind what people say. Of course the universe is listening..

Exactly dear.
Never let what people say about you limit you for a failure in life.
Live upright
cause there may be so many looking up to you as a model.
All were made to be stars shining through for the world to be a better place tomorrow for all.

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