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RE: The eight blind spots of humanity, and what we can do about them on steemit!

in #women6 years ago

Human being are evolving but still are not very high in the scale of evolution, as I mentioned before. Off course there is evil, I just don't call it evil, it's just a reflection of the current level of human beings consciousness.
Of course some more evolve than others, so you can't say that all human beings are evil or at the same level, but the direction human beings are going is getting better. This is looking at the bigger picture - the whole of human beings. You might encounter the worst of evils as you call it, but someone else might encounter the greatest of humanity - the giving and loving and supporting. There are terrible stories and there are amazing stories about people scarifying their lives for someone else. You have to be aware of both.
On a personal note, I am sorry that you are going through what you going and hope that you will be able to tell the story.


I don't see improvement. I see "dumbing down". I see the destruction of the family and of religion and of the other institutions that empower the people and hold the forces of tyranny in check. I see the destruction of sustainable human societies by a "plutocracy" that is gorging itself unsustainably while destroying the humanity that people are born with, turning them into "economic agents", into individuals who are as clueless as cattle in a slaughter pen and who are in a similar situation. I see dystopia and impending war, a global resource war, a war between selfish and unselfish people, between selfish and unselfish nations.

But then I see you, and I have hope again.

As for improvement - I would recommend a book by Yuval Noah Harari called - "A brief history of human kind". The book talks about exactly that - how things were so much worst in the past in so many ways - wars, amount of people dying form diseases, human rights (like slavery) and much more. The general idea is that things got much better than they use to. Also - in regards to family and religion, I don't share the same views as you at all - I saw a lot of examples in my life how institutions like religion and family ruin and abuse people in the name of them. A girl that has been raped by her dad for example, still need to respect him - because family is above all. War, you'll be surprised, today is much better than in the past. It's still bad but it was much worst.
Thank you for stating your last sentence - I really hope I can create more hope. That was touching. :-)

The touching was intentional. I am here to touch and to be touched.

If I appear to be one dimensional, it is because I am playing a role, both here and in my life. It is a role of exaggerated masculinity. It is intended and motivated by my personal desire to explore masculinity, my parental desire to demonstrate "good masculinity" for my (now adult) daughters, and my desire to speak to promote understanding in society of the critical role that gender plays in taking us either toward good or toward evil.

Women should not and need not fear good, strong men. The destruction of men is the stupidest thing feminists have done, for by destroying men they destroy the children, the society, and themselves. If women wonder, "Where have the good men gone?", they must look to themselves, for the moral development of any people is entrusted primarily to the womenfolk.

Thank you for answering, although I felt that you changed the subject we discussed.. it's ok though. In relates to what you wrote, please please watch this - he addresses exactly the issues of men and women -

I liked what the first 6 1/2 minutes contains. I didn't mean to avoid responding to you; it's more like I am fixated on speaking a particular opinion and sometimes that gets out of control! What conclusion does he reach over the remaining hour of the video?

No worries. I prefer that you hear it from him, as it's much more detailed. If you have time one day, no rush.

I'm not going to have time. The guy functions in a different universe than I do, that of a university professor giving lectures to students. He sounds smart and I was favorably impressed with what he said in the first 6 1/2 minutes. But the pressures on my time force me to learn things through informal conversation with others. IOW, if I had two hours, I wouldn't give it to him. I'd rather give it to experiencing community, or getting more sleep, or having some time off, etc.

OK. I think it's a shame as you are judging him without knowing anything about him. fair enough. I can only highly recommend listening to him, he has change my life and his work support me as a therapist too. Good night.

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