in #women7 years ago (edited)

hey guys, good morning! its a new day and i'm feeling very inspired. today i would like to talk to you about what happiness means to me and how i try to keep a positive mindset in all i do. it has become a calling for me to inspire greatness and encourage people to be their very best because i have witness a lot of young people go through tough issues and even myself, i have been a victim of these several times.
most people today deal with so many surprising issues that are very soul touching when we hear about them and some of them go through them with their heads up high by staying positive about their situations while some take it very badly , they become very depressed , pick up bad habits that they dont need along thee way and try to justify their actions, no matter how reckless they may be.
most people only focus on the negative things happening to them and forget about the good things. the do not realize the pexels-photo-129038.jpegbeauty of their being.

what is happiness really ? i believe happiness is a state of being, when factors around you doesn't affect your choice to keep a positive mindset about situations or your lifestyle. to be truly happy i believe it comes from within. there was a time in my younger years when i was always depressed and had some friends around me who lived very happy lives, i realized how free they were with people and how proactive they were.
trust me i wanted to have what they had but i didn't know exactly what it was. well here it goes guys happiness comes from within , it is a state of the mind , it is a choice! and you can start living your lives from today by taking this first steps in changing all negative thoughts to positive and creating an environment that would help you keep this thought process in play. learn to enjoy yourself, do things what would make you happy , find love
our minds are very powerful tools and can create anything!

photo credit goes to pexels.com


Hey @janrotas glad to hear you're getting back on track. Live each day to its fullest. Wake up feeling excited to go out and do something and engage with the world. How was your quitting smoking phase? Did it affect you physically?! (If you don't mind me asking)

hey ,thanks for asking it was very challenging i must say , most of my friends back in school are hard core or chain smokers . i got temptations everywhere and some of my buddies decided to make it their a way to spend their time trying to get back to smoking, so i had to tell them about my appointments with my therapist. they didn't think it was that bad but the good it was i was able to make the not smoke around me it has helped me so far. its been almost 5 months since i smoked. it didn't affect me physically maybe because i usually take a month or two off smoking most times.

Good effort! Keep it up :) have a good day <3

thank you, i'm really glad you like it. i hope to always keep you inspired.thanks again for reading.have a great day ahead of you . talk more when you are free

That is a cool post, and i'm glad youre feeling powerful and inspired. keep doing that!
A little advise, when you use images, make sure to put references of the images, like where you got those. And it is best if you use Creative Commons, which are freely available for anyone to use.
Aside from that, keep posting ! ;)

thanks for the information, i hope it wont affect me but i would be more careful with my choice of pictures and make references if needed. thanks again

A big part of depression is feeling really lonely, even if you're in a room full of a million people.

yes it is, i have been battling that for a very long time now, i realize mostly its all in my head. my issue started along time ago with my family being displaced financially and i had to put myself through school , it was a very dark period for me so i picked up smoking marijuana to relax and plan ahead.
after doing this for a long time i realize i was no long motivated to go out, be in public and more. i became a civilized caveman. i had so many negative thoughts and i was totally depressed because solutions were not coming up. then i started hallucinating also. so i stopped smoking marijuana both it didn't stop the depression. i wouldn't say i'm completely healed but since i stopped and started thinking positively about myself and situations the weight of the depression was reduced but once in a while i still feel down and unmotivated. this is my testimony , i know we have all had our share of depression but from my experience this is it for me.

don't get upset man don't be depressed keep it up please quit smoking, keep your hard work.

thanks for the encouragement. you have a really cool page by the way. can i reach you on steem chat ?

sorry i am not using steem chat.

ok but you should try it out when you have the time.

I really do believe it's the lethargy associated with the drug which increases the depressed state. It tends to put people in a 'zone'. If you stay in that zone in a 'funk' state, it eventually weighs on the psyche.

Praise God you're able to have your clear mind back. Life is hard enough without things to darken your spirit.

That said, I do believe medicinal marijuana from an organic pharmacy offers significant benefits for many (i.e. chemo patients; autistic children to name a couple).

Thanks for sharing!

There is much truth to the analogies: Mean Teens and Treacherous Twenties

Be well, stay well!


thanks for sharing. most people find it very difficult to withdraw for smoking marijuana and and come up with all sort of believe of how smoking would lift their spirits up and they would see things clearly.i have a friend who is presently in this state and i'm doing all i can to help him get out of this. because since he started this, unknown to him he became lest enthusiastic about his business and it has gone down badly. i really hope he realize the negative influence its been having on him, i try to make that very clear when i see him.

@janrotas People numb for various reasons. The addiction stops being about the drug; in as much as a reason to not deal with the internal demons.

Any addict in recovery would tell you, your attempt to 'help' is really enabling.

Most would argue; but, deliverance requires a Higher Power.

Most addicts like the affects of the pseudo-high enough to excuse away the need to quit; thus, the common rock-bottom bounce that pushes them back up 'head above the water'.

Thanks for sharing, and prayers that your friend gets a 'yen' to do the work to heal!!!


I must Confess it was very difficult for me to get to this point, i remember back then i would make an open announcement to my friends that I have decided to stop smoking then a month or some weeks after I find myself going back on my words. Well yeah! You are right, I did smoke much because I could not face my demons but then the smoke in between my fingers became a demon also. When I got my first major episode, I was in a friend's birthday party I was to be the host, after socializing with everyone in the party, most of the guys decided to go smoke joints in the yard, so as the party animal that I am, i joined them and it happened to be a high grade they were smoking they call it 'loud' in this region and it was my first time using a brown paper. After I was done with mine, I became very self aware of myself and everyone around me and I began to judge myself and imagine they were judging me also, so I picked the darkest corner of the house and hide there still I was ready to leave, so people tried talking to me but I blew them off. This was a really terrible experience for me and after my first appointment with my therapist I didn't need to be told I had to stop. People would come around to realize the addiction has not positive impact on them, I just hope it doesn't get really bad before they realize that.

Yes @... Very few things that are BEST for us, come easily.

But, oh the wicked things are often very easy to connect with/to.

Street weed is one of those wicked things! People buy from strangers who oftentimes mix the organic with synthetic, creating all kinds of demons to rise up. We won’t start that conversation!

Yes, paranoia is a common affect of users. I haven’t done enough research; but, I believe it’s the ‘lace’ that creates the ill affects.

Those who use this drug medicinally, under pure-growing conditions, don’t voice this as frequently as an occurrence.

Thanking God, you had enough intuition to KNOW; and, furthermore to DO something about it to heal!

It’s very sad to see so many ‘functioning’ addicts who don’t really consider themselves as such; because, they’re able to ‘conceal’ it for a time, until all hell breaks loose in their life (literally) and they realize without it, they’re non-functioning.

Thanks for this detailed reply! It sounds like you could turn this into another original post in the form of a follow-up!


You are a kindred spirit, I'm glad to to have come across your post. You share the same message as I try to get across in much of my writing. Happiness is a choice.

I even try to teach my children this when they think it is going to be a bad day at school, I tell them that is their choice and they come back and tell me they had an amazing day, because they choose that.

that is really great, i wish i learnt that much earlier in my younger years but i basically was a very sensitive child and always kept to myself mostly. making friends was a bit difficult for me and even till today i rather the comfort of my house than go out with friends or get involved in other recreational activities but i have been learning to break out of that ideology of mine. its been good so far , usually i just think positively about everything i get involved in and things happen to go very well. recently i realize i have become more happier than i normally was and it feels great because i feel much healthier and proactive, i dont think i would want to trade this feeling for depression ever again . i'm glad you are also trying to communicate this words to people out there and thanks for contributing, i would be looking out for your post so i can encourage you also.

Hi @janrotas, First off - Congrats on coming up with an excellent write up. I'm pleased to know that you are back on track and trying to give back to the society. This is something that brings the real happiness. I read some where: "There is freedom in becoming very good at what we do". In my view, most of the people are depressed or full of stress because they don't live the life they are made for. Why they live a life of someone else is because finding 'self' is one of the most difficult thing in the world. So, let's keep searching for our true self and help the world do the same. I believe, we'll WIN!

Keep sharing, caring and inspiring the world. Stay awesome.

Steem On!

thanks for shearing your views on this, i see your point, hopefully people begin to find clarity as they do thing that make them happy and self-discovery would naturally come in. depression is a really tough issues that drives a lot of people into doing irrational things. i did this post in good faith that it would reach people who needs to read this words and hope for direction in their lives, i know what it feels like to deal with this and i also did some really stupid things and lost great opportunities. thanks for sharing again, im glad you can relate with this as well

This is encouraging and inspiring. You are right. It comes from within. It is a choice. Even if you choose to be happy but not feel it... it comes eventually. Thank you for sharing.

you have to always stay positive mentally so you wont have room for depression to creep its way into your life. our depressions come is degrees, it now falls on how much damage you allow it to cause. it eats your dreams up and renders you completely useless , makes you feel worthless and most people who dont get over it or seek help end up dinning with suicide. depression is very dangerous

Depression is really a killer. It takes away all our happiness, joy and mostly our life.
On the other way, to be happy, we need to stop looking for what other people have. Less expectations ,more happiness.

yes you are right about that, live you life and be grateful for what you have. yes we all want to live like bill gate and jayz that's left for us to strive but we should not become depressed because of a stumbling block that appears in our life along the way. challenges come and we need to focus on solving them and not marinating our selves in them.

Hi @jonrotas! Your post is very inspiring, as it does ring a bell within me. It took me many years to finally listen to my inner voice and pursue something, what truly makes me happy.

you have to always remember your happiness is priceless and should be your major priority, let go of situations you cant handle , you need to keep looking at things with possibilities, go after your dreams , do things you want todo and stop being depressed. that doesn't get you anywhere but waste your time and suggest negative thoughts in your head. i have had friends who did really stupid thing because they felt the world wasn't working in their favor. its really sad what most people dealing with depression dont see the need to talk about their problems and get encouragements. i'm really happy you have been able to pull out of the situation.

Depration is the bed thing every people a human never progress with its....

very true, it is a hindrance to become successful. must people dont know this is their major problem and its very easy for depression to creep into someones life. its like a very hungry wolf wait at a hotel kitchen trash bin. ones you open even a small window it would crawl its way in and try to stay as long as it can. it's always good to not think negative as soon as you notice your thoughts are not positive

The way we see the world is generally subject to our inward perspective. Indeed, happiness is a state of mind!

Yes happiness is a choice and by keeping a positive mind you can influence the environment around you. Don't hold back on doing the things that would make you happy.

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