in #women8 years ago


The beauty of women has been a well-known fact for many years. They always walk in a proud manner, looking like the world belongs to them.

It is not that easy to make a good impression to such a woman. If you have fallen for a , you would probably need some extra help to get her pay more attention to you.

Complement her

Being with such a proud woman sometimes might be difficult. If you want to win her heart, you should not forget to tell her what you like the most – her style, her eyes, her smile. She wants to be wooed and treated like a lady. Just do not overdo it. Complementing her all the time would not help you. She would assume that you do not have any serious intentions and would not believe that you are reliable. 

Pay attention

A woman wants to meet somebody who notices how special she is. Listen to her carefully, notice every single movement. The truth behind her words and gestures would give you specific information about her. Although her high self-esteem can make you feel that she is not into you, do not lose hope. Her body language speaks volumes.

Be creative

Most men act the same way . Probably hundreds of them asked her to meet at a cafe. Others – took her to some good restaurant. Instead of doing the same, you should better think of something new. Use your imagination. Your creativity would be considered an advantage. It is the best way to show her that you are interested. Plan your romantic date and give your best. Action speaks louder than words.

Be yourself

Your romantic date is a fact. You have successfully planned your night out. And now what? Just be yourself. Tell her about your life, your plans, your dreams. Just do not speak too much about yourself (especially about your previous relationships.) Make her a part of the conversation. Show her that you want to learn more about her. It is only up to you to make her feel comfortable.

Show her she is special

By remembering the little things (her favorite color or her hairstyle the day you first met,) you would show her that you are really impressed. It is important for a woman to know that you pay attention to details. If you make her feel special, she would love to spend her time with you.

Make her smile

Laughter is the most certain way to get a woman to like you. Your sense of humor is your best weapon. Make her laugh and she would fall for you in no time.

Impressing a lady is not an easy task. It takes time and efforts. Follow the rules and do not lose heart if she does not immediately notice you. Just do not forget that nothing really worth having in life comes quickly and easily.


Good guide how to make her smile at you (in contempt).

Now if you want to fuck this beautiful woman, then please do the exact opposite of everything written above. You can't go wrong.

So, in your opinion we should all spend our time trying to please women ? I have news for you, I expect women to please me, not the other way around

everyone decides what he should do, I think it is much more pleasant to give than to take ... but it is my opinion

As much as I respect your opinion, I don't agree with it. There is a reason why women nowadays think they are princesses and want to be treated as such, first Disney, and second guys who think they were born to serve women.
I look at most of them and can't avoid think, you have nothing of a princess, you are wearing pajamas on the street. And by the way ladies, if you read this, pajamas are for sleeping, not for going out.
I am not misogynous, I just refuse to bow down.
Peace yo

How about just be yourself and the "right" girl will come around for you someday? That is a lot of generalizations of us woman.

I am Filipina and I live in the US and I can tell you many things are cultural so I think this post is too broad and over generalized.

Of course that is just my own opinion from my own experience as a woman.

I can move things with my mind. All sorts of things. Would this make a woman smile at me?

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