FUN TIME WITH @GEE1: womancrushwednesday

Mywomancrushwednesday goes to this amazing diva, Blessing Chinonso a.k.a Nonybliss who i have known like forever.

The circle of bond between our family and theirs trace back through my mom and hers who happened to be schoolmates while growing up, and they both hail from the same town in the same state. It now transfered to her and my kid sis who happened to be classmates in the same school.

Initially, i dislike her character because i thought she was too proud of herself or that she hype herself. There is something she did to me that force me to change my perception about her. I was like "could this girl be this nice"? I started surfing about her, to get to know her more. The more i did, the more i crush her.

She is a fun type who need to be loved. I measure people my their characters. Im attracted to people who are happy, that smile and laugh alot. She is so industruous that she fund 70% of her schooling with the work she is doing now.

She doesnt joke with happiness and her family. She is a superlady who doesnt need a guys money to be happy.

Words cannot express her so much.@gee1 you need to be around her for a day and it will seems like you have known her forever.

from my mindset about her earlier, i come to appliciate this saying " DO NOT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER"

I miscalculated her before, which i wont do again to anybody

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