Meet my Womancrushwednesday @stellabelle

Another edition of an exciting non-contest fascinating "Woman Crush Wednesday" by @gee1

@stellabelle is my Woman crush this week. Firstly, when I started blogging on Steemit, her videos on YouTube alongside some notable Steemians have been pertinent to my survival on the Steem block chain.


WHY CHOOSE @stellabelle?
Aside the fact that my Steemit journey wasn't a swift sail until I watched @stellabelle's video that saw me through the fundamentals of Steemit, I must confess her altruistic and philanthropic gestures drew me to her and I am really crushing on the generous and kind aspect of her.
Recently, @stellabelle delegated some Steem power to an African (name withheld) to be used in alleviating poverty and in turn, creating a better living condition for the poor populace.

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Sequel to her Philanthropic role and good cause for mankind, @stellabelle has always been at the forefront in teaching newbies fascinating and innovative designs and artistic work geared towards creating a lively and better haven for Steemians. I learnt her tutorial on gifs and some other art work but have been unable to put it into full practice.
Her interest for Slothicorn has endeared so many Steemians and Art lovers to create awesome artistic piece and innovative products too with rewards in crypto. This perhaps, formed the basis for @slothicorn steemit account.

It was really awesome and amazing too seeing @stellabelle's Mom @jiggs on Steemit. Really great been on Steemit but much more greater having Friends and family members on Steemit too.

I am pretty much perplexed by her zeal to eradicate poverty globally and equip young minds with powerful computing and innovative tools in carving a niche for themselves and making a better world in the long run.

I am moved by your commitment and dedication towards impacting positively on people's lives irrespective of distance and location, you have been of immense support and help too.
You are really a great force to reckon with and role model to Steemians particularly the female folks.

Want to nominate or write about your WomanCrushWednesday? See details here


I also adore @stellabelle. She's one hell of a fab woman.

Thanks for participating in #womancrushwednesday.

Sure!!! She is fabulous
Thank you too dearie

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