
Do you have the freedom to pursue life liberty and happiness? Are there a lot of restrictions or regulations that hinder you from doing things you would like?

Yes. I'm experiencing my economic hardship. However, I do not understand your first sentence. What are you asking for?

Like individual freedoms or is there a lot of government regulations?

hmmm you are weird, your words make me feel confused @@

I am not trying to confuse you. i am trying to make conversation. If I may ask this. What does freedom mean to you? How do you define it?

Sory i’m speak english not well 😂Freedom is the best thing for me. I do not like the rest, I am a dynamic girl. Freedom is invaluable, no one has the right to invade another

Nguoi ta hoi ban neu' ban duoc tu do thi cai gia' phai tra la the' nao do' a. No lien quan toi cai bai post above cua ban. do' ma. Minh nghi y' nguoi ta la the' thoi.

@@ e thaay lquan gì đâu

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