The biggest blind spot that's emerged from the illiberal Left is related to policy regarding kids.

in #woke2 years ago


This used to be a bigger issue with libertarians; but, with libertarians, the biggest issues that came with children have always been in regard to incentive structures. Questions like, "If you replace police with private defense contractors and the abusive father is paying the defense contractor, what incentive does the contractor have to remove the child from the abusive father?" are difficult and fair. But, the illiberal Left has pushed into institutionalized insanity.

I think that every adult who isn't stupid or a monster agrees that there are certain things that simply aren't age appropriate. This isn't to say that any particular ideology or religion or anything like that is necessarily not age appropriate; though, I can see arguments about why it would be irresponsible to raise kids from the cradle believing in certain dogmas. The thing is, the illiberal Left acknowledges this on a regular basis. They don't like young children being taught about Christianity, even by their own parents. A lot of them don't even like it when parents dress their baby boys in blue or baby girls in pink out of some sense that the kids are being indoctrinated.

Still, you needn't look further than the illiberal Left to find celebration of prepubescent boys performing in drag. I mean, have any of you been to a drag show? There are reasons why they're generally 21 and older in terms of an age limit and it's not just because the venues usually serve alcohol.

The whole controversy over Floridia's so-called "don't say gay bill" says a lot.

I wouldn't view it as responsible parenting to plant a kid who is in kindergarten to third grade, the age range that the bill applies to, in front of a television and to watch South Park all day. That's not because South Park once won a GLAAD award. It might not be a good idea to expose your six-year-old to phrases like "blood belching vagina" or "demon sploog." Still, South Park handled this issue pretty well. Yeah, teach kids about sex well enough to know if they're being abused. Teach them about good touch and bad touch. Teach them to understand when somebody is crossing a line. You don't need to have Mr. Garrison teaching kids how to apply a condom on a sexual partner with your mouth.

Some people in high places of government power are at least not willing to outright say that kids shouldn't go on hormones, puberty blockers, or have top or bottom surgeries before they even hit puberty. This isn't hard to find. Rachel Levine seems to be entirely cool with young boys receiving bottom surgery before they're even capable of erections. Kids around the world are already receiving puberty blockers and hormones before they're producing sperm or eggs.

The thing is, the illiberal Left does get that certain things aren't appropriate for young children; but, they've become so devoted to their wokeness that they'll turn a blind eye.

There's nothing controversial in their minds about questioning the moral character of an adult male who decides to attend a beauty pageant for little girls when his own daughter isn't in it. Really, there's no controversy in questioning the judgement of the parents who allow their young girls to participate in some of these parents. The moment the question is brought up, "What kind of grown man buys a ticket to see an eleven-year-old boy prance around in drag and throw singles at the boy?" the illiberal Left calls you a bigot for asking the question.

At some point, every person who isn't a pervert needs to acknowledge that there's such a thing as age inappropriate. We don't all have to agree; but, especially if government is going to be playing an active role with kids, we need to be able to have the debate.

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