
Yes, indeed!

@themarkymark is a true asshole by every account. He is one of a handful of Steeemit scumbags who have spent the last couple of years manipulating the Steemit curation reward program to their own personal advantage. As a result he and his friends now take over 99% of all Steemit curator rewards, leaving virtually nothing for anyone else. And yes, it is indeed assholes like him who have succeeded in completely destroying the Steemit platform, while unfortunately most Steemit members are too naive to see just what was happening. Steemit members may very well realize that they receive virtually nothing in curation rewards, but fail to understand why. They fail to understand that the system is rigged in such as way that only a handful at the very top get virtually all the rewards, while everyone else gets virtually nothing. @themarkymark should be in prison for fraud and corruption!

If you believe that you have been cheated by Steemit which you truly have, please file a complaint against Steemit, its Management and Witnesses here. A class action lawsuit is also being considered.


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