
I like bernie too for calling it out the way he sees it.

wellcome @mikepm74. great post.

The art is awesome they even have the -18 on the belt! Nice detail, I'm off to vote that post. I do agree he seams to have some good intentions even if he is a bit too aggressive for my style. I'll have to head over and add a witness vote his way too.

You're my proxy, so I guess I voted for bernie's witness together with you ;)

To be honest, he lets a lot of obvious dros remain out of his target zone, unquestioned, dros that is regularly in trending positions, by people who often prove through discourse that they have little regard for anything other than their greedy crew, and is surely the biggest and most transparent systematic abuse draining the reward pool today, and the next day, and the next day, and the ...............

You don't have to look far tosee the type of dros and cronyism I refer to, it's rife, and it's well known. He'd be 'King of Steemia' in my eyes if he took them to task.

I think actually hoping for a fair system might be a failed goal in the making though, if taken up, so I tip my hat to some extent at least.

Edit................ oh yeah, the artwork is very cool, lol.

I love the art! I keep changing my mind about bernie, but I think he's at least got good intentions.

We all need to take a stand sometimes, and even though Bernie takes a very brash approach sometimes, his intentions are for the long term success of the platform.

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