
But it was not copy and paste. The whole Facebook, Twitter, google content is rewritten from some existing stuff.

Everything is researched - no one can claim originality. Just because search engines can not catch that does not mean it is original.

Even my this comment is inspired by what I have learnt so far from various sources.

Steem can not survive if insists too much in quality and originality from all of its users as a precondition to participate here.

Nonsense. How are you even running a business with that sort of mentality?

Even research journals demands originality when you are writing review articles. You have to put in your own thoughts and not just switch a few words around and tell your audience it's not "copy & paste".

Nobody needs YOU to regurgitate the same exact information that's already out there.

If you can't tell the difference between copy & paste and plagiarism, please revisit a dictionary. All copy & paste are plagiarism, but not all plagiarism are copy and paste.

You are so full of crap, it's not even funny.

Steem can not survive if insists too much in quality and originality from all of its users as a precondition to participate here.

Steem cannot survive if people like you will read posts like this and lie to yourselves that it's of great quality.

Even my this comment is inspired by what I have learnt so far from various sources.

Yeah, you have no idea what the word "inspired" even means. I guess I'm just a fountain of originality. Didn't even need to go beyond copying a link to support my point.

Good day.

People of yr mentality are killing the steem by demanding everybody to be Shakespeare , Newton and what not.

Steem is not Supposed to be Nature, IEEE, SPE, SEG. U people need to learn the difference in a platform for social media and platform for patents.

Why don't go read some #Ulogs hosted by @SurpassingGoogle? You don't have to write Shakespeare. Just be frank and honest about what you are writing?

Quit making excuses.

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