Genghis Code and the Golden Horde, by @valued-customer

in #witness7 years ago (edited)

@valued-customer · 3 days ago

"Here it is, raw and unedited. As I said, it's a different use of the terms." ~ @valued-customer

From @dialsamai: Different from what he and I were discussing, but still here it is, for all Steemians to behold, to meditate, to consume... For us to digest and benefit from the thoughts of this great member of our community. Without further ado, I give you @valued-customer's insights and mind-changing ideas, for the posterity and the prosperity of Steemit's platform, system, and most importantly, our community. (I was given all due permissions).

Genghis Code and the Golden Horde, by @valued-customer

Image credits to: unsplash-logoLemuel Butler

In the 13th Century the Mongol Hordes burst across Asia like radiation from Chernobyl did Europe in the late 20th Century; unstoppable, permanently resident where ever they touched down, like the lambent fallout of nuclear mishap.

The hordes continued to penetrate and conquer new territory, until they reached the defenders of Christendom, to the plains of Hungary, and the end of the Great Khan ended their common purpose.

The steel-clad knights of the Holy Roman Empire were never mowed down by the nimble barbarians only because the shamanic vision of the Genghis died with him, and the Horde instead attended to the succession, and the half life of it's elements slowly expired thereafter.

Against the Horde, comprised of only warriors, with but one goal, no civilization could stand, but without the Genghis Khan, they were only warriors, with their disparate foci and purposes.

Steemit, like the Mongol hordes, were it focused on conquest, could succeed similarly.

No parasitized platform can stand in it's way, and like the nascent horde, it but awaits it's Temuchin to set it off. ~ @valued-customer

Like the disparate tribes Temuchin forged into one sword, under assault throughout the 12th century by neighboring tribes, empires restricting essential trade, and the impact of climatic change that reduced the fecundity of it's grazing lands, Steemers are also facing socioeconomic assaults and pressures.

Like the Mongols also, we faced demonetization, economic dislocation, and, comparable to the climatic change that imperiled their grazing herds, a global economic crash is upon us. Censored, propagandized, and surveilled elsewhere, we shelter here from such assault.

Our currency, Steem, is a refuge yet from plunder and taxation. We see with the recent submission of Coinbase that this is a short-lived respite, should we do nothing.

With communities, we shall become tribes, even more akin to the Mongols, prior to their conquests.

Like the fierce shepherds of Mongolia, we need unification.

We need Genghis Code to align our purposes, to promulgate our platform across the internet. Communities, like tribes, will compete for the grazing lands, rather than comprise a single horde focused on conquest. ~ @valued-customer

SMT's, like the silk tunics, sturdy ponies, and horn bows of the horde, can be employed to transform every enemy of Steemit into a new source of warriors, and bring it to the steel clad knights guarding the citadels of Alphabet, Fakebook, and the very state itself.

Yet, our platform is designed to be vulnerable to conquest, rather than to conquer. The founders created the golden parachute of stake weighted control of witnesses, that they might join the ranks of emperors, when the empire came for Steemit, rather than a forging a Golden Horde with Genghis Code in the nodes of the witnesses.

It was not their vision to sleep in the saddle while the horde subsumed the empires of the world, and that journey holds no attraction for folk intent on their personal imperial status, rather than the inheritance of the civilizations of the world by their peoples.

With communities, we shall become tribes, even more akin to the Mongols, prior to their conquests.

I did not mine, I do not code, I cannot do more than this: let you know it can be done. Genghis Code can unite us into a weapon aimed at the dark heart of empire, that will make Steemit the platform of sovereigns, and uncensored content our legacy potentiating the felicity of our posterity, forever securing them from the rule of would be masters, and the fate of chattel.

Unlike Temuchin, Genghis Code can be as long lived as the war against our foes. We can await ultimate victory before attending to the succession, and allowing our fragmentation into our separate empires of disparate purpose, once secure from vampiric parasitism.

Like the indefatigability of the hordes, our ability to imbue our meme warriors with the full strength of their mighty rewards, rather than drain it off, as empires possessed by parasitic vampires do, and this can make us as unstoppable as the Mongol Hordes.

As the tribes on the Asian steppes were treated with emissaries of the surrounding empires, spies and propagandists for their masters, Steemit is being infiltrated with assassins of such a purpose. @sarahabed reveals two examples of paid agents sent to tame her - and us all, before it can get out of hand, and I have treated with several others of late.

Pregnant with potential, Steemit gathers it's memetic fecundity in the ferment and turmoil of internecine intercourse, while it's imperial foes seek to drain it of that vital essence before it can transform empires of cattle into sovereigns that can supply the resources Steemit needs to grow exponentially until it alone is left standing to savor the sweet blessings of millenia of civilization, in freedom and prosperity.

What say you, brothers and sisters?

Will we be content to graze our posts on the meager fodder of our little rewards pool, and be satisfied with the crumbs of profit that aren't consumed at the feast by those empires of propaganda presently squandering our inheritance, the platforms crafted to deliver all profits to the ruling class - until they deign to take it away?

Or shall we give over our separate and futile squabbles over crumbs that create our own little lords, and alloy ourselves into an unstoppable horde of conquest, converting the emperors of opposing platforms into our servants, and spreading our fertile seed of sovereignty from node to node, until every backbone and datacenter delivers us, to our posterity, our uncensored content, and becomes our vehicle? ~ @valued-customer

Look upon your blogs, your curation trails, and decide if leaving them to our would be rulers is your heart's desire - because they are coming to take them. We know what empires do to the profits of producers, after all. Taxation, censorship, and propaganda serving them will be the inevitable result of staying our course. They are here already, manipulating our rewards, suppressing our speech, converting our platform into their chattel, and we know they can do this, if we allow it.

Temuchin did not conquer the tribes. He told them this truth.

He did not need to beat them to keep them in their saddles, or promise them fiefdoms for their service. He simply became the vehicle of their purpose to rule themseves, rather than be ruled.

When you game the platforms of memes, you either propagate virally, or get archived. We have a platform capable of hosting every online community that can exist, of rewarding every post of merit conceivable in author's minds. The creators now posting in support of the imperial profiteers of the world, on their wholly owned platforms, can be converted to our purpose, rewarding themselves with their efforts, severing the flow of profit to the vampire squid of extant empire.

Our stakes are our sovereign possession; the fruit of our voices.

All creators can express their voices and grow their stakes at their sole option, and for their sole enjoyment, on Steemit. SMT's can infiltrate and convert every herd of cash cows milked by the parasitic empire, that was left to rise to power by the death of Temuchin, into sovereign stakeholders. ~ @valued-customer

Will we forge a common purpose to subsume the extant vehicles of empire, or allow them to crush forever all content under the propaganda of their shills, and concentrate all rewards into their oligarchy?

Temuchin did not conquer the tribes. He told them this truth.

If Genghis Code does not unite our tribes, the answer is no, and the failure of Temuchin will be perpetuated again, leaving no opposition to the vampiric parasites intent on utterly controlling a divided and conquered empire.

Should Genghis Code be implemented by the witnesses, our stakes can be freed from the draining of that essence, rendering us hypercompetitive in the face of the inherently weakened and relatively feeble feeder cattle of the vampire empire that will otherwise inevitably consume us, too.

Witness me him! @valued-customer

Voting for @valued-customer as Steemit Witness in 3...2...1...


Man, I wish I'd edited that before =p

I get a bit wordy, and usually axe half of what I write before I publish it.

You format things quite well. I kinda wish I could get you to format all my posts!

I am not running a witness. I once was a computer consultant, back in the 80's, and set up my first network in 87. Today, I need my kid's help to figger out my phone =p Things have changed a bit...

Posting my essay is very flattering. I am glad you found it worthy of posting =D

Srsly, tho, you should volunteer to format all my posts XD

LOL I did notice that. I could not find you when trying to vote for you. :P

Things have changed indeed, but it is for the best. Steemit would not have been possible 30 years ago. :)

It is more than worthy of posting, it is the heart and soul of this project! To be able to find a platform, a system and a community willing to pay one another (in a sense) for posts, is what FB, IG, TW and all those should have done in the first place, about a decade ago!

I hereby volunteer to format your posts. xD If you find it flattering that I posted your essay, I find it twice and thrice as much flattering to be asked that by you!

So yes, I am available for such formatting, as long as you consider me worthy of it. :D

Happy Christmas by the way, I hope you have a good last week of the year... And that Jesus blesses you abundantly! :D

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