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RE: Witness "pjau" Update Week 38

You must be getting pretty good at processing user reports, @pjau. Seems like 400 reports a while go were taking over 30 hours, and lately you seem to be doing them in 15 hours. Hopefully, you're being compensated by the report.

Anything else noteworthy going on in your corner of the STEEM universe? No major excitement? How about minor? I guess there is something to be said for boring and routine, especially if you really don't want anything out of the ordinary to happen.

Well, keep up the good work.


I'm a pro reporter. Lol

Nothing exciting or new going on really. How about you?

Not really. Sun's out. That's about as exciting as it usually gets in late January around here. I'm still plugging away, even though musing is out of commission and I don't have a back up dApp to go to to replace what I was earning there.

Getting a little antsy about what folks around here are attempting to turn STEEM into. I guess I have a healthy dose of skepticism that anyone has the knowledge, wisdom and fortitude to do what it takes, but man can they sure be loud when it comes to voicing their displeasure over what others are doing.

Anyway, just trying to hang in here, produce and build stake. :)

Yeah keep at it! It might be worth it. Lol

What happened to musing, were they one that lost delegation?

They were one of five who lost delegations from misterdelegation, which included sndbox and dsound. Musing just happened to be the one with the delegation for the least amount of time (end of October of last year to mid-January).

People have been asking the founder to comment on what's happening, since musing mostly stopped upvoting, and he finally answered in discord yesterday that basically they're done for now. I guess he's more or less waiting on a token of some kind (not sure if he means SMT, or one of his own). If it's a SMT, he might be waiting for a while. If not, then we're talking another blockchain of some kind.

That's a shame, it is one of the better apps out there, seems to gain better quality posts/responses from what I have seen.

I thought it did, too, although there was a very noticeable amount of copied questions going on. Answers, not so much, but still some. People were complaining about it, and I was thinking, well, okay, just don't answer the question and move on. Or report it on the discord channel.

I think musing's main issue is sustainability. I think that's the main issue with all dApps. How do they make money? Right now, the only ways to do that is to require/ask and get beneficiary cuts from user earnings, pump out regular posts and upvote user content. Delegation isn't liquid STEEM or SBD, and if you're trying to pay someone in it for the work they're doing (ie devs, curators), it's tough.

I'm surprised the dApps we do have are even around, frankly, regardless of the size of the delegation. But, hey, what do I know. :) STEEM Monsters has you buying cards (not upvoting them), and they are reportedly doing okay. So, it will interesting moving forward to see how this all manages to be profitable (especially in a bear market).

copied questions

Sounds like they need a merge questions feature. Or maybe a way for it to search similar questions as you are creating a question.


They could probably add a promoted questions feature to boost the visability of them. Other than that, i don't know. What is the beneficiary set to? 10%? That seems to be the go to amount.

Both very good ideas, and someone (not me) suggested them. At this stage, I'm not sure how much will be done to improve the question interface.

I agree, 10% seems to be the going amount.

See, nothing shows up on Steemit in feeds, except as comments with links on people's personal blogs. So, basically, by trying to keep everyone on musing, they weren't really building a bridge to it. I found out because someone I follow wrote about their experience, highly recommended it to me, and so I went to check it out. And musing got the delegation, they were curating (and doing a decent job of it, not just throwing upvotes willy nilly), so it was a good thing for a user, I thought.

Not so good for them.

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