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RE: Transparency Wins: Witness Insight Project

in #witness-insight6 years ago (edited)

he challenge with much of this is some of the top witnesses provide a lot of value in hours and hours of very high level discussion regarding game theory, economics, code changes, strategies, etc which is really valuable to STEEM and yet much of that happens behind the scenes. Those who know about it vote accordingly. Those who don't, think they are providing no value other than block production.

This, I am one of those who does not know what is being discussed between the top witnesses. I definitely appreciate what you guys are doing behind the scene. No doubt it. but "Woking behind the scene" can also mislead how the people think the witnesses do. I really hope that the discussion results are published immediately to the public. For this, top 20 witnesses should post summary of the discussion in rota probably.

Top 20 witnesses should think themselves as public figures. Never forget that they are paid around $24000 a month now. As you suggested, the pre-scheduled regular meeting with the read-only audiences should be a really great idea. I will fully support it!

Again, witnesses like you, who try to keep the communication channel open, are really important for DPOS. To be utterly honest, a lot of Steemians worry about the unprofessionalism amongst the witnesses. They just do not dare (have power) to make their voice. Actually BP's of EOS worry me. They are incredibly professional and absolutely transparent, and that fact dwarves the witnesses of Steem as we look very amateur compared to them. But we can initiate the positive change if the top 20 witnesses change their mind.

Sorry if I am being too pessimistic. This is coming out from my enthusiasm for Steem, but please just take this as a constructive criticism.


I think you made a lot of important points here, and I've shared your comment with others as well. Here's what I said:

I think this is comment has some valid critiques of the downsides of this “secret Slack” (which many already know about) relating to Witness discussions regarding community issues such as curation rewards, SBD peg, reward curve, code changes, etc, etc.

I understand the importance of a private channel for responsible disclosure and immediate communication with top block producers to quickly roll out security fixes, but I also think it could be helpful to the overall reputation of STEEM and Steemit to see the important conversations here. My suggestion is we could have a public, read-only communication system (Discord? Telegram?) for the top 100 witnesses and top 50 investors along with Steemit, inc employees to discuss issues which matter to the platform.

IMO, secrecy within open source projects is not healthy. Communication and transparency is always the best approach. As community members read our discussions and post about them on Steemit, it could bring more visibility to what all the witnesses and Steemit, inc are doing to benefit the platform and prepare for long-term growth.

That's cool.

secrecy within open source projects is not healthy

This is to the point. So true especially for those who are pioneering the blockchain innovation. Many thanks.

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