Post HF20 Witness-Update // Perkembangan Server Witness thekitchenfairy

in #witness-category6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends!

I have been waiting for my Mana and RC to go higher so I can post at least 1 witness-update.

So here I am, updating and also back to normal blogging, regardless this will take my RC. I do have to say I cannot go on voting spree to your awesome articles, just yet, friends, but I will resume soon enough. So see you a bit later #introduceyourself and #nusantara, rest asure I will visit you, but just not yet :)

So many frustrations toward HF20, believe me, I was one of those who were frustrated as well, and even more as a witness, seems every one of the witnesses got the bad rep due to it. I have to let you know, us on the lower rank, outside 100s, we do not have any say about it, seriously. But wait a minute. Have you voted for any witnesses tho? You have not? Well then please do choose 30 witnesses as your representative! You have? Good on you. I hope you made a wise and great decision with your votes ;-)

As majority was upset on not able to blog, comment, vote, nor resteem, us witnesses had to also deal with updating, updating, updating, synching, building, and doing replay.

I kid you not, doing replay for the witness server can be a bitch, friends. After hours and hours, sometimes the update did not go well, did not go through. Imagine doing this on 3 different servers. But I am not complaining, just letting you guys know the background work witnesses go through to improve the blockchain. And yes, we only make less than 1 SP per day, for those who are on the lower chain. So yeah, to those who think we make $$$$, not quite so. On my good days, I do make 1 SP per day, but not always :P - but again, it is different if you are on the higher ladder!

Hai Teman,

Apa kabar? Dah mulai bisa blog kan?

Kami para witness dah mulai memperbaiki, jadi RC (resource credits) teman-teman dah mulai meningkat menjadi 100% agar kita semua sudah mulai ga takut memakai akun kita hahaha

Perkembangan ke HF 20 kemarin agak tersedak. Meski pergantian sistem dianggap sukses, namun ternyata muncul permasalahan yang semestinya oleh Steem Inc dan para Witness tingkat 20 ke atas bisa menelaah sebelum HF20 di keluarkan. Sayangnya, mereka tidak teliti, euy, jadi yang ada, kita semua kena imbasnya deh, alamakjan.

Yang lebih parah lagi, mayoritas menyama ratakan seluruh Witness, jadi meski kami yang level embel-embel (wakakaka), pun kena imbas kutukan teman-teman semua, padahal hanya Witness yang level 20 ke atas yang mempunyai kuasa. Dan seperti kehidupan nyata, orang-orang berkuasa kan jarang banget mikirin kita-kita yang dibawah, jadi yah amburadul deh wkwkwkw

Teman frustrasi, aku pun frustrasi. Teman ga bisa pakai akun teman, aku pun juga ga bisa pakai akunkun, ditambah lagi, sebagai seorang Witness, kerjaanku pun ikutan tambah sutris dikarenakan kegabahan sikap developernya Steem Inc dan juga teman-teman Witness yang ranking tinggi. Haiyah.

Pas HF20 keluar, kami semua harus update ke versi 20. Rusak. Update ke 20.1 Masih ga bener, update lagi, update lagi, update mulu sampai keblingeran, dan semalam yang terakhir adalah versi 20.4 Eeeeh, pagi pas bangun, hari ini, dah harus update lagi ke versi 20.5 Serasa bangun tidur kejedot dinding dah. Update mulu hahahah

Browsing around I read people questioning why no witnesses did testnet before HF20. We (my husband and I) actually did! We run a witness node on the testnet. Did not have the time to actually mimic transaction/posting/all the usual stuff like in real life on the blockchain. Moving forward, one of my goals is to actually log on to the testnet as if it was the real blockchain and pretty much replicate day to day activities and see the results. Perhaps this is all what we should be doing, we should be all be active participants of testnet and user experience exercises. -

Right now, we are out with version 20.5, which I will be updating the servers again.

Ada aja tuh yang mikir para Witness dompetnya tebel-tebel, ngapain milih para Witness. Ini salah banget teman. Hanya mereka yang ranking 20 ke atas yang tebel-tebel, kami-kami level kacung nih tidak menghasilkan apa-apa, sehari hanya dapat 1 SP, sedangkan mereka sehari dapat ratusan SP. Namun kenapa dengan bayaran yang tinggi malah ga peduli yak dengan kita-kita. Kembali lagi ke kehidupan nyata teman. Jarang banget kan orang yang diatas melihat kita yang dibawah hahah Jadi yah, begitu lah. Mohon gunakan hak dan kewajiban teman untuk memilih 30 saksi yang benar. Jangan hanya pilih yang terkenal, yang sudah tinggi ranking dan dianggap pasti bagus. Pilihlah yang benar-benar peduli, ga hanya gombal kasih ini itu, namun pas dah jadi rangking tinggi, lupa ikan asin dan pete :P

Anyways, I hope the HF20 did not scare you away. Things will be great again, all in good time. To be successful in today's quickly developing and improving blockchain scene, you have to lean into change, embrace the process. Sometimes you have to be brave to take calculated risks. Yes, sometimes you get hurt in the process, however we are all here to learn and improve upon. I believe it is okay to fail sometimes as these failures help us in turn to become better.

I know this was not the last setback on this long road, but we will stay strong.

As I said it before, I will say it again "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!", show me what you got!

Kalau teman ingat laporan perkembanganku tempo hari sebelum HF20, serverku tuh ikutan test loh, untuk melihat kelancaran HF20 ini. Namun karena kami bukan Witness ranking tinggi, kami tidak ikutan test yang mendalam, karena meski kami test atau tidak, kami tidak dapat memberi suara/masukkan, karena sekali lagi, hanya rangking atas lah yang berkuasa. Jadi semoga besok-besok para Witness ranking atas tuh bener-bener melakukan tugas mereka lah. Atau kalau teman-teman tidak mau yang begini terjadi lagi, ayo lah jangan malas memberi vote ke Witness lainnya. -


Have a great week-end, you guys, wherever you are.

Thanks for being patient and thanks for hitting that 100% upvote button :P Kidding. Thanks for reading, I mean :)

Untuk sementara, aku ga keliling #nusantara dulu yah teman, hingga Mana-ku naik dulu dan keadaan Steemit stabil dulu. Sabar dan pasti nanti aku kunjungi lagi.

Jangan lupa vote thekitchenfairy sebagai saksi teman di Pada kolom yang tersedia, ketik thekitchenfairy, dan klik VOTE :)

VOTE me as your witness at On the provided box, type thekitchenfairy and click VOTE
Find me on Discord, being friendly on #PAL, #thealliance, #vegansofsteemit, #anzub, #adsactly, #ghscollective, #steemitmamas, #teamgood, #steemitbloggers



If you leave ANY link on my blog, I WILL flag you down. This is to avoid phishing and shits


Great job indeed ^_^ kro5v5agy9.png I think witnesses are the braves and we should be happy to not have to do the rough job...I AM happy ;-)

you are truly an artist Barbara! your creativity is beyond word. they are super cute especially the cat ones :D

Thanks for share it

Posted using Partiko Android

Love the pose! Should see of @katrina-ariel give you a few yoga tips lol! Wish I had the capacity to have run a server for the test net. It seems steemauto is back up and crankin again too so hopefully won't be missing anymore votes for all my lovelies.🤗😎

Posted using Partiko Android

yoga for my legs, oreos on my hands, would be perfect for me :P

i have yet to set up the voting bot back. i think i will manually curate and give higher vote too than when it was the bot.

Thanks for sharing this behind the scenes update. Your pictures made me laugh out loud :-) didnt vote anyone yet.. you're the first.. well deserved! Have a good inner peace weekend haha

hahaha koszonom

i know am silly, but yeah i dont have all day for inner peace or waiting for the replay. this mama has so many things to do lol

We all do, I feel you :) haha

Those pictures are the cutest
Yeah it’s so easy to peck away when something goes wrong
So thank you for trudging along while updating us while sending out good vibes 😊❤️

i know am cute!

err....just reread...i thought you meant me, not the pictures, dayum :P

good vibes are contagious, spread that thing all over ;-)

Thank you! And thanks to all other witnesses... I can't say I understand what you all do and did... But it ain't easy work... Thanks for the updating too! 😘😘😘

Posted using Partiko Android

dont worry, i dont understand either, all i do is sighing, crying, pulling my hair out, breath in, breath out, repeat, until i see no more red lines on the screen :P


Fingers crossed. And yes... Keep breathing in and out... And hope everything will be fine and smooth asap...

Posted using Partiko Android

howdy there thekitchenfairy! yeah you darn witnesses!! bad bad bad! lol. no people have zero understanding or patience except probably 10 or 20 percent of us who are solid and logical so don't worry the others will come around. great job kitchenfairy! and you have good balance too! lol.

I dont have a good balance, am the most clumsy in this house

it was just the bosu ball, it needed some air, so it helped that it was a bit flat :P

geez am too honest too, should have just said, oh of course hahaha

haha! howdy thekitchenfairy! yes this was your chance to really sound impressive and now I learn that you were cheating with a half-inflated ball! lol. that's okay, as long as you can bake wonderful food! lol. God bless you guys and I hope winter is late getting started up there!

Hahaha ikan asin ma pete kaga ada satu mba sambel terasi 😊😊😊
Semangaaat mba... dunia berputar, esok atau lusa juga di atas. Itu pasti, cuma masalah waktu

Posted using Partiko Android

hahaha iyaaa sambal terasinya ketinggalan hahahah tempe, tahu, juga ketinggalan. wadao jadi laper euy ngebayangin. apalagi ditambah daun kemangi, serta lalapan lainnya.

makan bareng yuk hahaha

Good thing that things seem to normalize here, it's just that I have more gray hair now 😀

Nekem is sok feher hajszalam lett miota witness vagyok! hahahaha

Sajnálattal hallom, de azt is hallom, hogy sok dolog van vele :)

Great work mama!! We all love you! I kindof enjoyed the whole deal, as it brought a lot of life on Discords and a well argued steem holiday for me, while the rest of you did the hard work ;D Just kidding (not really), super grateful for your hard work and I'm sure steemit will be all the more fun after!

i love the mamas too

seriously the best groups of discord by far

so happy to have bumped on @crosheille post that day :D

i hope you are enjoyin your "me time" much <3<3<3<3

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