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RE: Long Time User, First Time Witness!

I find this to be deeply concerning. A witness is essentially no different from a politician, and so we need witnesses who are not susceptible to bribery or other types of coercion.

You have demonstrated many a time that you have no problem acting in ways that hurt Steemit as long as you are getting something for yourself for the trouble, and so to see such a man become a powerful witness on here- which you obviously will because the whales you have served during your time here will make it such- is nothing short of a tragedy.

I truly hope I am wrong, and that you intend to exercise this new power of yours with integrity, but I have failed to observe any such integrity in the past and so I remain skeptical, yet hopeful.



I truly hope I am wrong, and that you intend to exercise this new power of yours with integrity, but I have failed to observe any such integrity in the past and so I remain skeptical, yet hopeful.

Wrong Indeed!

That is bullshit, sorry for being direct. I know you very well so I am surprised on that comment. I fully support this witness as one that really keeps me here back in motivation mode! Why are you so toxic?

I am responding to this comment purely out of respect for the relationship we shared up until the moment you made the decision to send this comment to me.

You know you have no need to apologise to me for being direct. I am as forward as they come and I appreciate the same. But what exactly is bullshit? All that I said was honest, and therefore I do not approve of this emotionally charged comment.

If you fully support this witness, then that is your prerogative and I won't try and command you to do otherwise. However, just as it is your right to support them, it is most certainly my right to have doubts based on multiple observations of said witness' prior actions on the platform.

Every comment I seen on here was positive, which is not an accurate reflection of the community's feelings towards ats-david. I mean not to speak for everyone, but I am entitled to do so for myself.

As I said, I consider the role of witness to be somewhat synonymous with the role of a politician in the real world. If you saw someone who you had doubts about running for office, would you not speak up on those doubts? If not, then you'd be a cunt. Because if everyone who has doubts remains silent, then everyone else who observes that lack of doubt will take it as unspoken approval.

To any newer members of Steemit who arrive at this post and see entirely positive comments will then presume that ats-david has the faith of the whole community behind him, which isn't true and ought not to be a deciding factor for those who could potentially vote for him.

This is why I left a comment. The decision to express optimism therein was just to deter any potential whining from people. You were the last I expected to be here bitching at me for expressing an opinion.

I don't even know what the word toxic means in this context, yet I am pretty certain it is not applicable to me.

You do know me well, uwelang, and I you. Which is why I would have expected you to get in touch with me personally off-chain should you have had something to say about my opinion. The fact that you have decided to go this route makes me question your motivations, and I am disappointed that you have forced me to have to do that. I will make no speculations, however. A privilege you would do well to provide others with in future.

As I said, I consider the role of witness to be somewhat synonymous with the role of a politician in the real world.

Which is why we need someone to stand up to the status quo 'politicians' who do whatever Ned says to keep their witness spots.

I figure ats-david's so-called personality "flaw" in being blatant will come in handy up top, frankly.

Sorry - my intention was not to annoy you at all. Everyone can express their opinion and I appreciate yours for sure - in that case I was only a bit surprised as I might not know some background and time wise I am not able to jump all the time between chats. But given we know each other you might be right! Apologies.

The reason I support this is based on some reasons obviously - main one this guy comes across sometimes a bit too direct, toxic or blunt - but he is one of the few here that always comes up with suggestions how to improve platform, algo etc, he tells this everyone straight in their face, whether it is the CEO or a minnow or whale! We need people like this that are not jumping only into this positivity wagon and someone that support the community as a whole and NOT a certain circle of buddies.

Sorry for using the expression "toxic" - was meant funny but sure I would have needed to explain why. But it is good to speak to you again! Happy to speak off-chain soon.

I'm not so easy to annoy, so don't worry. I admire your ability to take a step back and reevaluate the situation, something I often fail to do myself.

As I said, I hope to be wrong about ats-david. The actions I witnessed were quite some time ago and I haven't been paying enough attention since to know if things have changed. This is why I want to be optimistic, because I know from personal experience that people can change an awful lot, even in a relatively short time period.

I hope to see ats-david doing good for all the community, and should I see any instance of this, I will happily commend the man and look upon him with a new perspective. But I had to voice my concerns so that they are factored into any decision making on the part of the voters.

I could have remained silent-- and I almost did. But, if ats-david then went on to become one of the top witnesses and made decisions that hurt the community, I would have felt partly responsible for censoring myself. But now if that happens, it will not be on me.

Ats is precisely the type of change needed
I feel especially the Vet community and some other communities which are smaller but banded together very large would like to give him the opportunity to see him as a witness imho

Well I don't think you have any reason to worry. I am quite sure he will find his way into the top ten witnesses before long.

That is great news :) A lot of us are very excited for this

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