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RE: The Reports from the Witnesses 2018-05-06


bla='{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "condenser_api.get_account_history", "params": ["'
bla2='",  10000, 10000], "id": 1 }'
curl --silent --data "$bla3" >testest
cat testest | grep -Po '(?<=("to":"steembasicincome",)).*?(?=(}))'

you should run customer service, lol that was fast, this one actually , if i take a very high number for the first 10.000 its out of range meaning i couldnt check for the (imaginary number)100 trillionth transaction (assuming there is one within a lifetime ofcourse) its just something i noticed while i was dabbling and mucking about. This thing actually tells me how many shares in @steembasicincome an account has given (not how many it has received since that data is not available as they send you only one msg when you get enrolled so you'd have to have the names already and sift through those accounts too, its just to check because they're still on manual and i want to make sure it works, mutual self intrest but more than that , i think its a great initiative to at least try and make an example of what can potentially be done for ubi.

and actually i had more horror stories : assuming you're not living in the EU you might have heard not only of the up and coming strict privacy rules but maybe "the right to be forgotten" (the mighty google just lost a case on that, not too long ago) because its somewhat scary, i mean i KNOW all my stuff is locked in the chain and i agree to that, but the overlords here, they can get cooky, like when they sued apple for backtaxes, while Ireland actually wasn't even complaining.
So ... i'm not sure how much you are involved in any of it but you seem to know a lot so, if anyone at all ever claims "the right to be forgotten" i fear i might get locked out of my account as this lot moves to a place outside and blocks the whole of europe from attending.

Hypothetical situations but potentially dangerous situations, i'm good at doom lol (not the game) and seeing this is real money and potentially actually decent money over time, stuff like that could be a massive wrecking ball on my way to independence

so i guess now i have two questions at once :) no rush, i check answers anyway at least every other day

i'm sure you can find the relevant info on the 1e100 if you want but its real, its not something i make up to be funny

speaking of 1e100 for instance i could not query for the 1e100th transaction using that method in the api because the number is too high and gives an error, thats what i meant :p


Yeah. The node and the account history in the have the same issue - they only go back so far. That is an issue they are working on addressing.

Regarding the right to be forgotten - you are right, in that it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. I don’t think anybody knows yet. A lot of the legal things that are being brought up regarding blockchains are new territory.

i'm not sure if interesting is the word i'd use there lol, if i have an acount i put a few 100 in (which is as good as a months income right now) and is worth more than that and some people in high towers over my head suddenly decide i can't reach it anymore (be it the overlords of mordor for their enlightened reasons) or the lords of steemit out of sense of self-preservation. You do understand that's not very confidence inspiring and worth a bit of nailbiting there since , considering the enlightendness (yea i use that a lot but i think it's applicable since i have gutter-side perspective here) on both sides it doesnt really matter if i waive my right or on the others side try to bypass any blocks because after all im somewhat of an investor in 'the firm' no matter how small it may be and like i said they didnt care much for ireland saying they didnt care about apple because they werent dissatisfied with the situation. If that loses me something that can benefit someone like me a great great deal, that's troublesome at least, to use a very mild word lol

I'm starting to feel like an interviewer here, but that's because you actually answer with facts to the best of your ability so allow me to repeat there's no rush here, i'm going nowhere (atm literally and figuratively) and i check my replies back always quite a lot to see if i didnt miss anything interesting

so , among other questions that keep chewing and nibbling at me :

  • what is this is i hear about one vote one account i might have misunderstood but it sounds very much like something that would put power only in those with very high sp in one account (your proverbial fat fish so to speak) and for some reason sounds like being scammed out of money since a second account costs real money (about $50 if you fill it up to 15sp from the start, thats not pocket money from where i stand, or what do people call that, small change ?)


  • assuming there's a central authority on what's good and bad and what's quality and what is appropriate (which in se goes against the very nature of de-centralization) and it decides someone is "bad" ... for whatever reason (i agree there is no room for kiddie pr0n or animal abuse anywhere but let's assume it's neither of those, its just something 'not-steemit' like when i just got in i got stalked for over a month by people who werent very nice, just a few, its not hard to find out once you get the right tools, and it made lose my cool there a few times, but in the end they quit, which is good because i think if you got the clout its best spend on promoting and upvoting what you like than on ruining what you don't because (lots of b/c) as i keep saying the definition of good and bad is VERY personnal, and not at the least defined by culture but also not limited to that).
    The central authority decides it's bad, what happens ? you can't unchain it, can they just kick someone out ? close the account ? or worse :: prevent access to the actual money included. Not that i intend to crusade or anything but these are serious questions don't you agree?
    i see you did and thanks for that, every little boost is appreciated but i dont mind if you dont b/c im sure you have plenty of people to answer at your level and i am probably far from done asking questions if you keep answering with useful info whos-awesome-youre-awesome-quote-2.jpg

see you around :))

oh btw (woops another edit +x kilobytes blockchain duh! :p ) i fear the perspective of the lords of mordor on said issue might be setting precedent, seeing as if they denied google already, setting precedent by allowing "the right to waive" to their faithful peasant subjects might be something they don't want to do, literally forcing separation, and for some i fear Trump won't mind (more separation) it seems be one of his 'things' ... just before i forget, i'll try to keep more for other posts lol if something pops in my head

Regarding the blocking of access, since everything runs on the Steem blockchain, as long as you can access the blockchain somehow - you should be able to access your account and funds. For example you could use @jesta’s vessel desktop wallet and just point to any one of the public RPC nodes.

The one account one vote idea is related to SMT oracles. It would actually benefit smaller stakeholders the most since everyone’s votes would be equal. The oracle SMT implementation assumes there are “oracles” that will be verifying the uniqueness of individuals, so people cannot signup for multiple accounts.

Not sure where you are going with the central authority idea. I don’t know under what scenario that would ever happen with Steem.


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