Waking-up in PANIC: 0% bandwidth and back to 25 reputation... WTH?!

in #witness-category7 years ago (edited)

Hello my Steemian friends! :)

Today, after a long night around witness bandwidth problem and other problems in blockchain development, when I was forcing myself to wake-up to continue that work, my wife panics looking at her bandwidth and reputation back to 25...

Then I checked mine and the same...

Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 09.30.52.png

So account @steem undelegated SP, which is not that big of a deal to me, but for my wife makes her account almost unusable, then reputation in cut and bandwidth down to 0%.

This has to be either a bug in steemd.com or a bug in steem core, but is preventing many people to use the system, so I am publishing this post to alert fellow steem devs for this issue and also to test if I can post...

Looking at my witness logs looks like business as usual... no strange messages there, not even those "Reserve ratio updated" from yesterday

Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 09.53.14.png

So, seems like an interesting day is starting... going to steemit.chat witnesses channel to try to help figuring this out...


Good news! Just got the information from Steem devs that this is a non issue, and that it's only a display problem in steemd.com web app!

I think that my wife wouldn't hack the steemd.com server just to get me off the bed like an arrow this morning, would she?! ahahah :)

If you approve what I do in Steem community, please take a little time and vote for me as a Steem witness here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses


Or via cli_wallet with the command:
>>> vote_for_witness "youraccount" "prc" true true


Yeah, you aren't the only one.

It almost seems like Steemit.com wants to thin out the herd. By giving us all a heart attack. But now serious, I heard that it was some kind of bug that needed to be resolved.

ahahah :D yes, but the bug was affecting only new accounts with low rep and SP, but now is growing stronger... :/ At least I was able to post, not bad... :)

The Brazilian Community is growing here: however, we’ve been facing this issue for a few days already. I hope you keep an eye on this and keep us posted. Thanks for sharing the information with us! Voted you to be my witness :)

Muito obrigado! :) Claro que sim...

Great news it was only a temporary issue :)

Lol i got the same problem

you are right! There is a problem for some time.

Witness protection :)
Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 18.44.45.png

Good news! Just got the information from Steem devs that this is a non issue, and that it's only a display problem in steemd.com web app!

I think that my wife wouldn't hack the steemd.com server just to get me off the bed like an arrow this morning, would she?! ahahah :)

that's great news

Thank you for this note. I was in panic when I faced this issue this morning. I will vote you my witness.

Muchas gracias! :)

Gracias no; pague! jajajaja, Kidding you my friend!

Lol, thanks for the heads up! You got my vote!

Witness done! ;)

Cool! Thanks! :)

Por curiosidade, o que é o dsound.audio?

It's a decentralized platform for sharing music over Steem blockchain and IPFS, so that authors get rewards in STEEM for their works, like posts on Steemit. You can learn more here:
Thanks! :)

Thanks! I will check

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