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Steem SMT Ideas: Full P2P Block Diagram Explained - Post #45

Illustrated below is the Proposed Pure P2P Setup:



It will be of a good benefit if you will read my previous post #44 as it is related to this post, link below.

Imagine the black dot in the middle of this diagram to be the USER (or the DDOS attacker!) wanting to acquire (or stop the flow!) of some blockchain data.

The GREEN Zone

The green circle signifies the first layer blockchain, with all 3x green triangles representing the WITNESSES, each holding one-third (1 divided by 3) of the whole blockchain record. All of the triangles combined will complete the blockchain record for the first layer.

The RED Zone

The red circle signifes the second layer blockchain, with all 9x ellipses representing the SUB-WITNESSES, each holding one-ninth (1 divided by 9) of the whole blockchain record. Further, the 3x red ellipses having its links to the same green triangle signifies that each ellipse sub-witness holds one-third of the record of its “mother” witness. All of the ellipses combined will complete the blockchain record for the second layer.

The BLUE Zone

The blue circle signifies the third layer blockchain, with all 27x diamonds representing the STEEMIANS of the general population, each holding one-twenty-seventh (1 divided by 27) of the whole blockchain record. Further, the 3x blue diamonds having its links to the same red ellipse signifies that each diamond steemian holds one-third of the record of its “mother” sub-witness. It is also worth noting that it is already the general population that will be holding the blockchian record, then it will be very beneficial that instead of 3x diamonds supporting 1x ellipse, it can be increased to say 9x diamonds supporting 1x ellipse. This blue layer of the blockchain will play a vital role in the true P2P architecture as the worldwide population can now be tapped for resiliency purposes. All of the diamonds combined will complete the blockchain record for the third layer.



The Bigger The Circle, The Lesser The Computing Power

It is worth noting that the 3x layers of circles up to the blue layer is just a startup proposal. The said layered approach can be increased further, with each member of the layer getting a lesser blockchain record as the circle expands outward.

It can then be concluded that the computing power of a member becomes “lesser” as the circle becomes bigger. The blue layer can be another layer of sub-witnesses if STEEMIT Inc decides to do so for fear of the “carelessness” that is almost always coming from the general population. Again, this is just a proposed setup, and as such it can be further enhanced depending on the need.

The Bigger The Circle, The Faster The System Overall

It can also be noted that the more layers as represented by the circles, the more responsive this System will become because of the addition of more “servers”, each holding much lesser data as the layer moves away from the central layer. The further the layer, the lesser the data being held by each server, the lesser the data the faster the response time and the more resilient the whole System becomes.




This one whole drawing represents one complete blockchain ecosystem, this tells us that if the green triangle labelled #1 will go offline for any reason, then the 3x red ellipses labelled 11, 12, 13 will be there to take over the chores of supplying blockchain data to the users. This same principle will apply for every supporting layer, with the blue diamonds labelled 111, 112, 113 taking over when the red ellipse labeled 11 goes offline.

Horizontal Expansion

We will just draw another circle going out to further strengthen the support mechanism using different and continuously expanding layers as represented by the circles moving out. This expanding circle as described will be the “horizontal” expansion.

Vertical Expansion

As described earlier, the presented drawing signifies one whole blockchain ecosystem that is fully supported at all levels. To add to the robustness of this Design, imagine the paper being used when we will “literally” print this drawing. What if we will print a hundred copies and stack the said paper one on top of the other? What about a thousand copies of paper stacked? With each paper representing a complete blockchain record, we can clearly imagine the potential of this approach if say papers #1 to #10 are in Europe, papers #11 to #20 are in Asia, etc. Again, these are just proposals which can be surely “enhanced” further depending on the need, all up to STEEM Inc. This described paper stacking as printed literally will be the “vertical” expansion.


Since the blockchain will become one of the most promising and disruptive technologies of the future of bigdata, then it is just wise to Design an all-new approach to it using the ever pesky and very reliable P2P architecture, but this time applied to a very good cause as the STEEM blockchain.

For the next post I will describe a USER caseso as to describe clearly the processes and the additional helper service for such P2P approach.

Previous Post Link:

“During Its Reign, No Fool Will Scale The Great Wall Of China……...”


Thanks for the post. I'm not sure I really understand it, or the other posts. Bit above my pay grade ATM. But without reading material I wouldn't learn anything!.

You reading it is the first step to its understanding.

Just imagine a CDROM disc as one ecosystem holding the blockchain data as described. To "upgrade" the STEEM platform will be like expanding the CDROM disc to illustrate. How do we expand the CDROM disc physically speaking then?

There will be two ways, first is we will make the CDROM to be bigger in circumference. Another way is to stack another CDROM disc on top of the others. Both expansions will mean a more robust and more resilient STEEM platform, not to mention the faster it becomes.

These possibilities are only possible if the blockchain will be distributed as described. Regards.

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