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RE: Lost Top 19 Spot by Showing Support for HF17 & Falling Victim to "Old Boy" Mentality... UPDATE

in #witness-category7 years ago

Oh I know dude. I'm not pointing fingers at you for this at all. End of the day you still have my respect and vote.

Thank you for taking the time to reply and sharing you are also aware of the "old boy" voting stuff going on! It's not just the seasoned whales but also the developers too as you've mentioned above.

It is kind of a kick in the teeth though. I don't wish you voted out of a top 19 spot in any way shape or form, however it would be nice if guys like myself were allowed to be in such positions as at the end of the day it benefits me far more to have that extra push of morale and income than it does someone already financially secured and stable like yourself.

While you did get honourable mentions here I'm not really mad at you nor abit. Both of you guys have been a massive help to my witness campaign at times and our network, I didn't mean to come off as disenchanted or ungrateful for the support you two have shown me.. If it appears that way I'm sorry. It was not intended as such.

The truth of the matter is though, is that unless you are a good old boy, BTS legacy guy, Steemit Inc developer or wizard chances are slim to nil a top 19 position will become available. And when they do.. For instance for my yesterday hitting #15 it's an incredibly joyous occasion.. However that joy can be quickly turned into sadness with the simple click of a button by a whale keeping his buddy in the list.

You are still ok in my book smooth. Same with abit. You DID cast foreshadowing on this but I figured at rank #15 I was far enough away from the bottom to not get sacrificed over politics.. lol. Silly me for thinking I'd finally made it.

Not sure what the answer to all of this is really.. All that I know is that clearly I'm first under the chopping block and certainly have been left a bit wounded after yesterdays triumph. Kind of like giving a dog a bone and then letting him chew it for a few minutes before taking it away and giving it to another dog I guess. lol

Anyways man. I don't hate you, nor abit. I do however dislike having my hopes built up and then smashed repeatedly. :/

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