Witness Update - Upgraded My Node To 0.20.2

Until HF 20 will be enforced I will post more frequent witness updates, because this is an important moment.

20 hours ago a new version of the steemd blockchain was released, namely 0.20.2. This version contains an improvement to the RC (Resource Credit) calculation. I just updated my main node to this version and I'm in the process of updating my backup node as well.

I already produced a block, so my node is already advertised as a 0.20.2 node.

Here's the breakdown of the versions ran by the first 100 witnesses so far, according to steemd.com.

VersionNumber of active nodes-
disabled / replaying22

In top 21, there were 15 witnesses running on 0.20.x and 6 on 10.19.x.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

Wanna know when you're getting paid?

I know the feeling. That's why I created steem.supply, an easy to use and accurate tool for calculating your Steemit rewards

It's free to use, but if you think this is a useful addition, I'd appreciate your witness vote.

Thank you!

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I'm glad to get all of the updates myself. I wish all of the witnesses would. Getting information out to the user is very helpful, since it seems like we're constantly expected to know more than we would need to anywhere else on a social platform, and yet, finding the information can be like searching for needles in a haystack, sans the powerful magnet.

So bring it on. The more the better.

Once the Top witnesses reach consensus, is there a chance that another seizure will happen if there's a bug, or is that likely to happen later when the HF is actually supposed to take effect. It sounds like the bug this time around was unique enough that it caused something that wouldn't normally happen to take place, something like the new hardfork acting like it was already in play.

I guess I'm wondering if there are more bugs if we can expect a blockchain stoppage again, even before Tuesday.

Once the Top witnesses reach consensus, is there a chance that another seizure will happen if there's a bug,

My personal opinion is that we won't witness another blockchain halt very soon. What happened was more in the "black swan" type of events category than on "regular" bugs. If there will be bugs, I don't really think they'll be at the same magnitude.

But that's just my educated guess, I'm not a core developer and I don't know the codebase that well.

At the end of the day, one can only hope, right? :)

Very true. We plan for the worst and hope for the best. Well, no more black swan events would be good. It sounds like this is the most ambitious HF in at least a while, and since most of us here haven't even experienced one yet, there's all kinds of questions. On the other side, we'll all be veterans of this one experience and can apply it to the next one. :)

Hi guys ... I would like to add my support for your statement "finding the information can be like searching for needles in a haystack" We need better search tools on steemit ... Something that will let you search by date would be nice so you can filter and search new or old info as needed ... The search is one of the most frustrating things about steemit . Also a way to bookmark your favorite channels as you end up following many to support them but your very favorite channels you want to check in on daily are mixed in the mess ... Have a good day everyone and don't forget to support your local meshnet initiatives.. Crypto and the meshnet combined will be an unstoppable force... Possibly world changing!

hey, @lifeofbrian.

I'm in agreement. Search is woefully lacking. There definitely needs to be a way to even get to your own stuff, let alone others. Every time I search for something on Google, I end up with all the two year old posts. Some are quite interesting, but out of date for the info I'm looking for.

I've been following the idea of a meshnet or ad hoc type of thing for a while now. I haven't bought anything yet, but I am very much interested in it. Cutting the cord completely yet still living in modern times requires getting off the grid and circumventing the ISP. It seems to be the last piece in the puzzle.

It's an important time, so no worries on the extra updates.

Which of the changes from HF20 do you think will have the most impact on the average day-to-day Steemit user?

New account creation mechanism, it will drastically improve spread and adoption.

I can see the speed of the new account creation increasing adoption of people who are already interested in signing up, but is there an aspect of that change that includes marketing to spur improved spread?

HardForks are not about marketing, but tech...

See, if we're talking every day user, I would think things like resource credits, the change in the 15 minute vote window, and some of the other voting changes would have at least more of an initial effect on users, especially those on the lowest end. Even more so if a formula isn't quite right. After that, I can see new accounts having an effect, but more over time. And yet, I'm wary about that, too. Are we saying we're going to have widespread adoption with our retention numbers so low just because more people can get on faster? We were moving at a pretty good clip with account numbers when you and I came on and that didn't seem to help keep people here.

The scenario then wasn't waiting so long that they got frustrated and never got started, but something didn't keep them here or drove them away after they did get on. So, I'm hopeful that this mass adoption thing is real and actually works, and that somehow it will benefit us all who are here and not just inundate us with more spam, plagiarism, phishing, scams, and further strife on the blockchain. If we're hoping that it means we can get some heavy hitter investment going, okay, but free accounts tends to attract more who don't have investment money, too. So, there's the added unknown of just what that widespread adoption and larger growth is going to look like. I don't have a crystal ball, I don't know, and I'm often proven wrong. So, let it be so this time.

You have some good points, and I don't know what's going to happen either. There are knock-off Steem chains like WeKu.io that are basically the same thing as Steem. No word on whether they have better retention than Steem.

I think it's better to take a step out and see what happens as opposed to doing nothing. I think the bigger changes are going to come when bigger improvements are made, such as the communities and SMTs. If the dial doesn't move after those are implemented and adopted, then we might be in trouble.

Maybe. When the crypto markets are pretty much lockstep with Bitcoin, it's hard to tell if what each has going on their chain is really making that much of a difference. I'm just talking internally. Not sure how we can expect the big boys to arrive if we're losing the smaller guys left and right. Big guys don't post. They don't curate. And they may or may not upvote, by proxy or otherwise. So, it's delegate to apps or bidbots to make their hundreds of thousand make more hundreds of thousands. But that takes small guys who want to post, comment and curate.

So far, all this delegation has resulted in at least three Steemit clones and counting, a retro YouTube, a decent streaming service that's now deserted, a bunch of instagram knockoffs and now a Pinterest doppleganger. Woohoo. :) It would me much easier, I think, and much more lucrative, just to port from the existing social media to STEEM. Forget about all of these third rate apps floating on the blockchain. And apparently you don't need SMTs to do it, either. Not according to Steempress and the new one connecting to Instagram.

I used to think I was born about 30 years too late. Now I see I was probably born about 15 years too early. Instead of creating with words, I could see myself creating with code. But my brain wasn't wired that way from birth, so it hurts my head to think in machine language over human language.

I don't really know enough about all the apps to speak to them specifically. I think the idea is that something that is "distributed" is better because it can't be shut down by a single, controlling entity. Therefore, even if streaming on the blockchain isn't as good as Youtube, it's still "better." I can see the value in not being able to be shut down, but some of the services haven't caught up to their mainstream counterparts yet.

The older I get the more I keep thinking that I would have loved to be born later. There's so much new and exciting stuff going on. I want to see more of it. Then again, some of the things I saw have been because I saw it when the world was a little more innocent, so things weren't as restrictive. I think it's about making the most of the time you have when you have it.

Oh, I agree about that. Not much else you can do anyway. Or, I suppose you could be miserable if you wanted to.

I get the decentralized part. I'm not sure what is decentralized and what isn't. I get decentralized is better. I've been reading some comments by lextenebris and he's not all that keen on blockchains. Not sure what he'd advocate as an alternative—other than he likes mesh networks, but anyway, it looks like we have our super majority, 17/21. And it looks like we're still up and running.

It's a brand new world out there now. We just have to figure out how we're going to fit in. Some of the ways will be the same, but we'll have to learn some new ones too.

Good reason to unvote those witnesses that are running outdated nodes.

I want to ask, what is the worst consequence of running outdated on unsupported steemd version?

your node is not participating if you run a version before the current hardfork

Good work....
HF 20 is a go.

I want to see you in the top 20, Hopefully, in my steemit journey, the day will come. best of luck.

it will be great to have regular updates from you until everything is done nicely by everyone : ) thanks for keeping us updated with HF 20

I will try the tool you created!😊 Good luck🍀

There are some voices like @exyle that are saying this is possibly happening too soon and that we are not ready for the HF. Thoughts ?

great updatations sir 😍

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