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RE: If You Had a Magic Wand and Could Change Just ONE Thing, What Would it Be?

in #wish6 years ago

Any of these would do:

For everyone to be paid for their work.

For it to be universally illegal to make or sell disposable products.

For everyone who abused children to have a distinguishing physical characteristic.

For humans born without empathy to be recognized at a young age and prevented from ever holding power.

For people to recognize that my blog for its actual value so that I could freely write every day rather than having to scramble to work for idiots doing idiotic things that don't need to be done.


Well, you have some worthy ideas there. Certainly, I'd like to see people get fairly paid for their work. Most people do get paid, but they are wage slaves who put in 60 hours a week and still live in poverty.

Disposable products? As long as we keep a clear distinction between "consumable" and "disposable." I'd hope for dispoable toilet paper. Crap quality designed to break and not be fixable? THAT needs some work.

Can empathy be taught? If so... should it be? Or do we just say "you're not one of us, tough titties?"

Maybe people will recognize your blog-- in time. It took me somewhere between 3-5 years to develop much of a social media presence elsewhere. Been at it here for about a year-- getting close to replacing a part time gig. It's doable...

I wonder if 'most people' do get paid. The GDP of most countries doesn't include the work of mothers raising childen, for example. If driving is a job for taxi drivers, then everyone who commutes isn't getting paid for their driving. In the art world tons of people like myself have to put in years and years of free shows and self promotion without any compensation and only the top .01% of popular people in a field get any compensation at all. And the taylor swofts of the world can just buy their way to the top with their parents money. Then if you throw the undercompensation and general cheating of corporations in, I doubt if 50% of work on earth is compensated for fairly.

Hmm toiletpaper I hadn't thought of, the question is if it biodegrades when you flush it or or not. If it biodegrades and benefits the ecosystem once flushed then it isn't disposable and it's a fertilizer. I primarily mean the idea of single use plastic packaging that we use one time and then it takes 50k years to break down, this is actually in the long term going to threaten the entire species with extinction. Every teenager for example now has bpa in their blood which is among other things a sterilizing agent. If I were an alien trying to take over the planet and I had only a handful of aliens vs a billion humans, I would institute exactly the same policies we are. As a species we are positiviely suicidal and daft.

Actually empathy can't be taught to some people, it can only be emulated by some people who have a certain brain configuration which is a genetic mutation. Killing children at birth to prevent them from becoming monsters is on the table as far as I'm concerned, but it is more humane to simply test children for empathy and those who, for instance, laugh at a cat that is lit on fire, would simply be marked as 'can't be a leader, boss, ceo, general etc.' The idea that humans who can easily sacrifice other humans make the best generals or something is twisted, I would really rather lose a war than be sacrificed by someone without emotion like some kind of alien.

Eh, as for my blog, unfortunately I have to tell the truth and I have discovered that a lot of the whales on here are law enforcement or paid operators just like reddit, and as soon as I started writing and asking those questions, I stopped receiving upvotes.

I have written more than a book length of material, my commitment in the past 2 months puts every other account I have yet seen on the steemit platform to shame and I can count on one hand the number of actual humans who have even responded. And the only whale who upvoted me v4vapid is obviously one of them as he upvotes a ton of obvious propaganda/fake accounts. I prove it all in detail in my blog, steemit itself has a much more questionable nature than I thought, as it is served all out of AWS for some reason.

The idea that some people can invest early and then have the ability to silence people or spread lies and just upvote each other in a gang, well, how disgusting.

Do a word count on just my privacy workshop, I bet I have written more in just that than any other account since Jan 1. And the shit I write is smart and correct, and I am actually facing homelessness in march. Good times.

How about helping you to achieve the latter? What is a Gonzo investigator?:)

It was a term coined by Hunter S. Thompson, or by someone describing what he is doing.

It is a form of journalism where you accept a degree of subjectivity in your writing voice, as in writing in the first person, but then you actually go to where the action is. No standing in front of things on camera, no talking head from your bedroom, which is what 90% of popular accounts on here simply are, which I find cheap and mostly worthless. Also floods the blockchain with unsearchable junk. Writing words llke I do is 10x more valuable to the blockchain pound for pound.

So as a gonzo investigator, I have put myself at risk investigating for instance the nature of the national rainbow gathering. I am investigating steemit by writing on here and seeing what happens, or bitshares by trading on the platform. I am investigating several other accounts on here that seem to be completely fake so I have attempted to directly ask those accounts what is up, and they have responded in fake manipulative ways.

I have investigated how the internet works by simply having a career in IT and holding 20 or so different jobs in the industry, which I primarily did for survival, but it turns out I learned in the process how a lot of things work and the nature of the modern corporation.

Anything you actually yourself do and spend your time on, you could later say you are gonzo investigating, but the more danger and the further out there you go, the better.

Good question. Basically I have also proven in my blog that a. steemit may be run by fbi/cia and is filled with very rich disinformation accounts i.e. @v4vapid b. the national rainbow gathering is an fbi run operation and they distribute date rape drugs to people saying its LSD and bait them into crimes c. all american credit card transactions through the major company NCR are processed in Israel d. a major internet security firm in silicon valley is lying about all of their security procedures

Other things I investigate but not gonzo style, that I simply researched in detail, is the devani tragedy in Arizona and the story of Lori Handrahan, both of which indicate that there is a high level infiltration of the military and child protective services that traffics vulnerable children, and that if you are rich enough like Michael Waxman you are above the law.

I did not go anywhere to investigate this, but I wish I could. I would go investigate every single person in devanis story and write a book about it if I could, that would be maybe my first pick of things to do in life, but I would need a large advance and a publisher that was not in any way connected to deep state actors.

Until then I can just archive and repost websites, but in the case of Lori's story and Devani's story, the openly available information is simply huge and all points in the same direction. Throw epstein's island and the laura silsby events onto this, and it is obviously the most disturbing thing in the world, something that as of this time precludes me from feeling patriotic about the united states, at all, whatsoever.

The land of the free and the home of the brave does not in any way imply that rich people get to buy child sex slaves, which is the status quo, which I have exhaustively proven, and with upvotes of around $20.

That's my level of commitment, everything else I see on steemit appears like it could be a bot, a joke, or half assed bullshit. And no one has even noticed, maybe like 5 people.

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