God blessed the wise: Solomon went to Jerusalem from the high place at Gibeon, from before the tent of meeting. 2 Chronicles 1:13

in #wise6 months ago

Just as the central character of the First Book of Chronicles is David, the central character of the Second Book of Chronicles is Solomon. With these wise kings, God's plan for the nation of Israel reached its peak by joining the law of Moses, the Davidic dynasty, and the construction of the first temple.
Solomon's personality was very different from that of David. Although Solomon did not stand out as a warrior like his Father, it was Solomon's responsibility to intelligently administer the Kingdom to fulfill the task that God had assigned to him. And all the glory and riches that this King obtained did not come by chance or luck, Solomon asked God in the sacred place of Gabaon for the intelligence and wisdom necessary to accomplish his mission on earth. And with these words Salomon expressed this fact in one of his sapiential books: "Therefore I prayed, and understanding was given me; I called upon God, and the spirit of wisdom came to me" Wisdom 7:7.
Solomon, as the Bible teaches, built on good foundations, because he did not put his trust in riches, that are deceitful, but rather he built on the most important thing, his trust in God and in his ability to make assertive decisions at the right time. Solomon, as a wise architect, built and created the most splendid Kingdom of his time.
The life of Solomon, beyond some personal mistakes that can be attributed to the need for good diplomacy, is a good example of what a spiritual life means, and that is why God blessed the wise man. Because whoever asks God for wisdom above all else gains God's friendship, because as the Bible explains: "For he is the guide even of wisdom and the corrector of the wise" Wisdom 7:15. Solomon in the Old Testament is presented as one of the best examples to follow, especially in modern times where wisdom seems to be such a scarce commodity.
And so the Second Book of Chronicles recounts what happened after Solomon received wisdom to govern: "Solomon went to Jerusalem from the high place at Gibeon, from before the tent of meeting. And he reigned over Israel." 2 Chronicles 1:13. Solomon was the personification of a Kingdom that reached its culmination with the life of Jesus.
God blessed the wise. Solomon went to Jerusalem from the high place at Gibeon, from before the tent of meeting. 2 Chronicles 1,13.jpg
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