Most of us think we need to save humanity, and we forget that we are living inside a cosmic dream inside of God Source Consciousness, the container, creator, fabric, structure of existence itself, and you're it.
There are low energy individuals and high energy individuals. High energy individuals are brilliant for a time but are in danger of burning out once their storage of energy is depleted. These types need to learn how to guard and conserve their energy in their extreme fire.
Those who are of a low energy need to learn how to maximize their energy by learning how to conserve it. They are already close to depletion.
This is where one learns the art of personal alchemy. The use of the resources at your avail to guard and sustain your Spirit as well as learning new ways to do so that optimize your path.
The Six Characteristics of Esotericism
Everything in Nature is a sign that can be read. The microcosm and macrocosm interplay. Synchronicity can be found as signs from Nature and may lead to the understanding of the divine.Nature is Alive
Nature is not just pieces of matter, it is a living entity that evolves and expands.Imagination and Mediation
Imagination is a power that provides access to innumerable worlds and levels of reality; it is the intermediary between the material world and the divine.Experience of Transmutation
Transmutation is Gnosis and the Illumination of the Self and Mind. Transmutation marks the birth of a new awareness: enlightenment.Practice of Concordance
The belief that there is one common root from which all esoteric knowledge grows.Transmission
Master-Disciple initiation into arcane knowledge.
These are the general principles that run like a thread, or more like a river, through the Tarot. One of the strongest concepts is the Hermetic idea of correspondence expressed in the common phrase: “as above, so below:”
As above, so below
These words circulate throughout occult and magical circles. They are recorded in Hermetic texts, although they originated in the Vedas.
The actual text of that maxim, as translated by Dennis W. Hauck from The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, is: “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing.” Thus, whatever happens on any level of reality (physical, emotional, or mental) also happens on every other level.
When we "die" (Transmutation of energy of consciousness, from one from to another) in the dream we simply wake up as infinite, formless, God Source Consciousness. Enjoy the dream, love all because we are all fractals of you, share your insights, raise the vibrations, follow your passions, live fearlessly, and enjoy the dream. 🙂
Infinite love to you all! 💚
@invinciblelight 💫
Great post. 100% upvoted.
Very cool, tarot is something I always wanted to get into but it seems so complex to learn.
Very interesting :)