Secret life of a bitcoin lover altcoin , STEEM obsessor , continued - (pt2)

in #wisdom8 years ago

Ok, so there's no draft capability at the moment but that won't stop me because now, got my mojo .

So let me continue with my floored narrative. I'm on the beach in Koh Phangan, celebrating the New year 2000, which is where they have the world famous Full Moon Party, a world multi-mix of hedonism ( ) craziness and little meditation on the beach from dusk til dawn or when you wake up.
I've Just been approached by these two straw hat wearing Hanibal Lector, undercover , government types, who have revealed to me their quest to find something sweet to smoke. I tell them I have the golden fleece they seek and would be happy to share with them so as to quench their hunger. They tell that they have a hut , nearby, not fifty yards from where we stood, so I say yeah let us find a bit of shade a more isolated spot to put the fire to the bush. Longer story short I can't even remember what we talked about but I told them I was a songwriter-performer and to show me gratitude for the share one of them, the more portly one who wiped his hands on the knees of cream flannel trousers every 2 minutes, pulled out two Cuban cigars , hey man, here have these. Not wanting to offend anyone. I took the brown big cigars, The other man who was rather pensive, could see his mind working away, ticking so much I could hear it, like a clock . Tick tick, ticktock. Thanks, I'll have these when I have something to celebrate and then handshakes all round. I'm turning to make my way out of the one very sparse room and clock man reaches into his pocket as he tells me that he writes poetry, maybe you could use it to make a song in your music. He hands me two pieces of paper. I won't want any royalties he jokes, I smile. I look at the pieces of paper, the words, I try to read and show vague fascination and interest. I note the names. I leave making my way back to my hut which smells of oat biscuits , and the sickness I had recovered from with a hint of brandy and the local Koh Phangan fire water.I look for my lady friend to tell her about the meeting. No, I did not say lady boy, though there were many and if you overindulged to the point of self-confusion you could find a precarious breakfast awaits you. What fascinated me most about that meeting with these two strangers was the fact that even though we spoke jovially and shared eye contact whilst the peace pipe passed to the left , I got the impression that if they wanted to they could have just disappeared as sudden as they had appeared to me.

Holiday finished I flew home. I did look at the two sets of words on both pieces of paper and I played around with melodies for the words but every time I read the words I got a strange and peculiar feeling as if I'd hit a brick wall. Eventually, after about six weeks I forgot about them and got back to normal life. I've always been drawn to and interested in conspiracies because it seems to me that some parts of history are built on it and because there is so much time to account for and so many versions of the truth to take on board. After all of man's great , great achievements we can't feed everyone. We can't find a way to live in love and understanding. 1 percent of us have everything and the rest fight for the scraps, intelligent species. Talk about standing on the shoulders of greatness we more like piss on it.
has I continued my general research on man's history it became apparent that there is a battle taken place for the mind of mankind. It is incumbent upon me to say that a lie has been told and it's a big one, I don't know exactly what it is or which one it is but it's big and the seem tom be built around this lie but which one. I'm watching a Zeitgeist movie and kind of felt like a cat being forced into a corner with only one route of escape ultimately leading to another cage.Then I watched Aquarius Age of Evil (

)(see point 1.16,06) I try to take everything with a balanced view stuff about theosophy Alice Bailey,The New World Order, One world government, the awakening ,the occult, New age and the dark arts, mystery schools, esoteric arts etc etc then they start to talk about Theosophy leading the alleged new messiah (Matraya) coming to earth , being channeled through some other guy (Benjamin Creme) a Scottish artist, author, esotericist and editor of Share International magazine. He asserts that the second coming prophesied by many religions will come in the form of Maitreya the World Teacher.This was interesting but I wasn't excited , then the films commentator introduces a woman, Constance Combey an Attorney,new age expert and author of The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow, had gone to speak to Benjamin Creme.
In the video, she talks about the day she attended a lecture by creme ,who had said that Maitreya would make an appearance. The point in the video that sent shivers down my spine is at (1.18.55) of the video. The reason is this, Constance said , she , along the other attendees were asked to recite The Great Invocation. So I'm watching not really taking notice of the title it is only when Constance speaks the opening lines that I get goose bumps because they are the exact same words on the piece of paper given to me more than 10 years earlier on Koh Phangan beach. I sometimes wonder what would have happened had I sang those words over music those in the society would know. Truth and lies can be so close one or the other can become blurred especially in a maze of​ bright lights.................I'll post a pic of said items when I clear the draft...... to be continued

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