The path of wisdom: For she leads into the understanding of God, and chooses his works. Wisdom 8:4

in #wisdom2 years ago

Spirituality, the sensible life, the search for God, and the greatest mysteries, begin with the gift of the fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, and stability), with a heart of flesh and not of stone.
For this beautiful spiritual gift, for this grace from above, we seek instruction, this spiritual gift provides us with the common sense to understand the importance of wisdom in our lives, as taught King Solomon in his book of Wisdom:
"Her I loved and sought after from my youth;
I sought to take her for my bride
and was enamored of her beauty" Wisdom 8:2.
And wisdom has something very special, wisdom is close to God, to speak of wisdom is to speak of God explained Thomas Aquinas, that is why, the wise, author of the Book of Wisdom also taught:
"She adds to nobility the splendor of companionship with God;
even the Ruler of all loved her.
For she leads into the understanding of God,
and chooses his works" Wisdom 8:3-4.
This verse is very important, because in the Christian faith the knowledge of God is defined as eternal life. In other words, the contemplative life, which is the most important intellectual activity of the human being, or the most perfect virtue according to Aristotle, is linked to the search for wisdom.
And then the wise man added more knowledge, the path of wisdom is the source of all blessings for man, well-built wealth comes from her:
"If riches are desirable in life,
what is richer than Wisdom, who produces all things?" Wisdom 8:5.
All these teachings have a meaning, those who live in the fear of God and his perfection, the spiritual gift of wisdom, do not fall into despair or fall into the sadness of thinking that the future is going to be worse than the present. A wise man does not teach the error or the deceit, but rather the best and most excellent for man. But it is up to each one of us which path to choose, the path of wisdom or the path of error: "God in the beginning created human beings and made them subject to their own free choice" Ben Sira 15:14.
The path of wisdom. For she leads into the understanding of God, and chooses his works. Wisdom 8,4.jpg
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