Social Wallet: A Crypto Wallet for Social media

in #wire6 years ago


The reality of the 21st Century has made it in such a way that almost everything and everybody depends on the social media. As a matter of fact, interactions on social medium are getting stronger than one-on-one interactions. The world is a global village!
The advent of blockchain technology has added another feather to the cap of social medium interaction.
Decentralization is the hallmark of Blockchain technology and Cryptocurrency mining which has bequeathed wealth to the adopters and knowledgeable investors.
Facebook as a social media platform boasts of more than 1billion users and various social media platforms have huge amount of people utilizing them, but the sad reality is that, many users of various social media platforms know little or nothing about blockchain technology and Cryptocurrency.

The good news

The good news is that there is a platform that aims at bridging the gap between social media users and with or without the technical know how of the users. The Project is called Social Wallet.

What is Social Wallet?


The Social Wallet is a platform that enables users to send cryptocurrency from one social media account to another social media account.
Any transfers that is made on this platform is easy, instant and very secure to use . As a matter fact, no prior setup is required to get things done using social wallet. Good number of top social media platforms all around the globe would be integrated into our Social wallet platform that will provide access to more than 2.5 billion people. With an already built platform, Social Wallet is the fastest, easiest and least expensive option to send someone currency.

Features of Social Wallet

No expertise required
One of the reasons why many people have not been able to embrace blockchain technology and make use of Cryptocurrencies is because of its complexity. The modus operandi of blockchain technology is not easily comprehended by people with no technical background. But Social Wallet is so designed in the way that it does not requires any prior set up, or technical expertise. Also does not need any advanced knowledge of transaction.

Instant Transaction

Another great feature of Social Wallet that makes it outstanding is the instance at which transactions are carried out on the platform. Transaction on some platform might take a while which could make users fret and feel insecured but on Social Wallet, transactions are instant and guaranteed.

Safe Security

Another factor people consider before investing or carry out transactions on a platform is; how secured is it? Come to Social Wallet, transactions are safe and secure. The use of blockchain technology makes Social wallet platform one of the safest means of transaction.

Cost effective

Another feature that makes Social Wallet outstanding and desirable is that it is highly cost effective. Part of the reasons that drive people away from Cryptocurrency transaction is the high cost that is involved in every transaction. Social Wallet operates with reasonable and affordable rates that are user friendly.
These and many more makes Social Wallet a much anticipated and awaited project.

The way Social Wallet works

If any registered user wants to send cryptocurrency to another user, he/she just need to select the social media in which the recipient belongs and registers , the next step that the sender will enter the social media username of the user that is about to receive the token (recipient), then he/she will indicate the amount of token that is about to be sent and send it - That is super simple!
The recipient will receive the token if he/she is registered on social wallet. In case the recipient is not registered, prompt of the transaction would be received and with a very easy sign up process, the fund can be recieved. Examples of social media platform the social wallet will kickstart with, are Facebook, Twitter, E-mails and many more others after the token is launched.



There might be reasons for donors to send money to a particular person or towards a project across the globe. For instance, if moneybis being raised to treat accident victim or someone with a chronic disease, instead of using the conventional money transfer which takes a lot of money as international transaction charges, Social Wallet could easily be used without stress. Just by sending the token to the person through social media platform.

Watch out!

Social Wallet debit card will soon be launched. That would be after 4 years of the operation of social wallet, it will be Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations compliant.

How can you earn on this Platform?

After you have registered and link your social media account with Social Wallet, you can begin to earn by participating in social Wallet's effort to reach out to new users. If you like, share or comment, tweet and retweet information about social wallet, you will earn WIRE token

Token's sale is still on, buy good amount of WIRE token with bonus and you will be glad you did.


For more information;

Website :



Bountyhive username: Petoz


This Social Wallet is gbasky! I love what I am reading. A good project to invest in

Thanks so much for the commendation, social wallet is a great project to invest in.

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