How My Winter Is Going - Story In Pictures

in #winter6 years ago










Surpringly, our white Rocks are giving us plenty of eggs at this point. Maybe spring will come soon? I can only hope!


Oh My!!! Is that normal having that much snow?? I know where I am here in IL we have gotten, as least it seems, a lot more snow than normal!

Oh and I am sure you are looking forward to spring!!

The snowfall this winter is above average for our area. I had to compare pictures from last year, and sure enough, theres definitely more snow this year! As for spring, I think it will be replaced with a flood season instead!

All I know is spring can't get here soon enough!!! Stay warm and dry! :-)

haha! great pictures hebrewhousewife! I'm sorry I missed this, I didn't know you were posting again!

Thank you! Thankfully the snow has gone down significantly! Now, some of the fields around here look like lakes. Hopefully I can get some pictures to share later. And no need to apologize! I’m going to try posting regularly again.

Howdy today hebrewhousewife! So good to hear from you! Did you guys get record amounts of snow this winter or is it always like that?

I think this winter was a little more than average, but definitely not record amounts. I don’t want to see a winter with record amounts! Yikes, this was bad enough!

Well at least the fields will have enough subsoil moisture for crops this summer! Did you take the winter off from Steemit on purpose or did life just get in the way?

Yes, that’s always my husband’s concern. He wants to make sure we have enough snow during the winter in case the summer is dry. (And if it turns out to be a wet summer, we’re in trouble.) But he also loved the snow for snowmobiling.
As far as steemit, it was more because of life.

Howdy hebrewhousewife! I sure understand about the moisture, lets hope it's a normal summer and not a wet one then.
Steemit because of life, got it, I was always impressed that you did as much as you did with kids and all!
And how many people wrote and said they missed you? lol.
I missed you but I saw you post once a month or so so I figured you'd be back when the situation was right or the timing was right.

I think of everyone, my husband missed me writing the most lol!

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