On Being Proactive, Contributed by @Kingst

in #winning6 years ago


In life, as you are responsible for yourself, so also you are and will be responsible for your problems. Many think it is just okay to be settled and happy without really putting thoughts to the problems that come with living.

Taking ownership of your problems.

As it concerns living and meeting expectations, you are the only one who can accomplish your goals and fix your problems. Your problems are your own responsibility to be responsible for. While there are people in your life who will support you, you need to rely on yourself to achieve success and over down times.

Embrace the challenges when you run into problems, take responsibility even for the stuff you think aren't yours to be responsible for. The whole idea of taking ownership in life is for us to be the people we desire to be. We are created individually for a purpose and until we meet that purpose, we will never be truly fulfilled.

Too many people are only good at placing the blames of their lives on someone or something. Taking responsibility is not theirs to consider. They will always see and embrace the need to put it on someone else that problem they are supposed to solve themselves.

Whenever you are faced with one of those difficult problems that make you see that there may not be an end to the issues facing you, just do something you have never done before; take ownership of the issue and work towards solving it yourself.

Set realistic goals for yourself.


Setting realistic goals for yourself is a great way to keep yourself moving forward and motivated. If you set goals that are out of reach, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment, but if you truly apply yourself, you are most likely to stay motivated and continue working towards your goal.

Goals are an important factor to living a well-defined life and achieving greatness. A man who seeks to achieve greatness without setting goals will end up failing over and over again.

Do not set unrealistic goals no matter how determined you may be. It’s like telling yourself you can lose 100 pounds of weight in 2 days from exercise when you know losing weight is a continuous process and work must be put into achieving it.
Make your goals realistic and even if you want it to scare you, make sure there is some level of realism therein.

Be in control.


Looking for who to blame or who to dump your troubles on is useless, and when you spend your priceless time on useless issues, you will pay dearly tomorrow.

It’s useless to spend time worrying about things that you can’t actively change. You will never be able to change lots of things about yourself or others, but you can use that energy and motivation to work on tackling tasks that you know you can accomplish.

Take control and own it like the boss. Own the time and factor in your best paces and energy to ensure you are not found wandering in the marketplace of life. Walking through your day knowing you have what it takes to manage your time productively needs control and without control, productivity is lost before you even set out to get it.

Be consistent and stay motivated.


Consistency in whatever you do is important. How you interact with others, as well as the actions you take, is very important in your day to day living and exploits.

Create a divide between what you can handle and take small, consistent steps towards your goals every day.
Consistency is the watchword for winners, and to win, even if you have always failed, you must be seen as being consistent.

With consistency comes motivation, and to be motivated, you must surround yourself with motivated individuals. Spending time with people who can drive you to productivity is important and very crucial. Sometimes, we get too tired to push ourselves and this happens too often by reason of stress, some fails, and fatigue. If you’re surrounded by driven, motivated people, you’ll be more likely to stay motivated as well.

Be accountable.

Holding yourself accountable is one thing we never consider. Too many so-called leaders are in the habit of seeking who they should hold accountable instead of first holding themselves. When it comes to getting things done, you need to hold yourself to the task, making sure you accomplish that goal in an appropriate amount of time.

Give your task some sense of seriousness and never allow the difficulties that first set in keep you off track.

Accountability is key and doing just the right thing makes the tasks ahead of you workable.


Winning demands accountability, consistency, motivation, control, realism, ​and ownership. To see winners on the other side, do well to make your time rewarding and impressive. The above are some life hacks and I hope it helps someone.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Kingst


it is a true line sir @communitycoin

" Many think it is just okay to be settled and happy without really putting thoughts to the problems that come with living"

what is life Actually?

Life is a journey of life to be joyfully run, and so is the problem we face in this life, it is a responsibility we can not escape from the realities we face, real life is only for the people who want to always seek identity. # What is our true purpose?

Every human being must have a goal to live more worthily to make family and friends happy, and this will be a motivation to run it. In achieving the challenging goal of his heart everybody will feel, but how we respond to it.

have we ever had a problem that made us run away from it?

Everyone has their own problems but that is the beginning of the success that we will get later, the success that is always waiting for who can pass every problem facing him.

There is a story from a small town far from the city, a very poor family, in which the family is blessed with 3 children who are all boys, in their twelve years with their mothers wanting to change their destiny to live more economically than economics which they feel in life.

Every day they can only eat one time and even then only boiled cassava, but diligently and continue to try them, pestering their fate in the city with full confidence until they become rich, because of belief and consistency to seek identity.

do we feel we're perfect?

In this life there is no perfect, but how the perfection continues to be achieved and continue to be complemented with joy and complement each other with each other.


Life is a process to achieve a goal that can give us a change

This is a post under a post on its own

Nice lessons to learn here.

I've always said that life is a journey in which we are the drivers
We determine where we want to go by the goals we set for ourselves.

Thanks much for sharing this piece.


@lovelyworld thank you for this well through out contribution which addresses some other aspects of this topic. i have learnt some more.

This is just too complete to be ignored, dear friend, you just touched every facet of life with your post.

Their is no way one would follow all the tips you mentioned here without becoming successful in life. Everything start with been responsible, don't put the blame on others.

Remember, we are all created to solve a particular problem in life, nobody would solve the problem you are to solve, because nobody else was wired for the problem just like you. Running from such problems is like running from becoming hero.

Another thing I would love to include here is proper time management, it is not enough to do the right things, they must be done at the right time.

Failure to work with time is as deadly as death itself. At time, we see people putting in lots of effort without result, it might be as a result of them not working with time. If you do the right thing at the wrong time, you will have the result of those that do not do it at all.

This is my simple definition of hard work:

doing what you ought to do one hour ago with the one you are to do this very hour.

Let me stop here, the spirit of @olawalium is now on me, I'm writing long comments than usual now.... Lol
Thanks to @communitycoin for the idea, I've discovered myself through it

Remember, we are all created to solve a particular problem in life, nobody would solve the problem you are to solve, because nobody else was wired for the problem just like you. Running from such problems is like running from becoming hero.

I like this point. Why will anyone want to run away from being a hero? Thank you for your contribution.

Let me start by definiting what proactive mean : it means Acting in advance to deal with an expected change or difficult.

We are bound to take responsibility for our actions whether good or bad but a lot of people don't usually want to be find wanting by actually trying to find one excuse or the others.

I can absolutely say, There are people in our life who are there to assist us through problem solving but if we don't take action then we don't expect them to first acted. We must always be responsible for all our action whether palatable or unpalatable. Even simple sorry, I mean honest one work out well for us.

Setting realistic goals for yourself is a great way to keep yourself moving forward and motivated.

Setting a goal is paramount as you have said because it is the only way we can fall forward, not just setting a goal but setting goals that are achievable, I mean those you won't have to go through extra mile before you can get realize. Although it is good to always set goal that is a bit behind our reach so that we can absolutely work tirelessly before getting them achieved.

Control; be in control and don't false or award blame on somebody , always remember to take responsibility for all your action, instead of putting blame or someone else, you that time to set things right.

Consistency is the key, though the present might not that pay well but with time, focus and commitment things will surely work out for your good.

We needed to be accountable for all our action and we shouldnt try to force things on other, that is the problem we are having today becauee we hardly or readily giving in to accountability of whatever we do whether wrong or right. Take action today and be on the winning side. All this factors really to be considered; consistency, motivation, control, realism, ​and ownership. You will surely win. Keep the good work flowing man. I really got motivated reading this piece of yours.

To take control in life, we must be realistic to understand that we must put our best foot forward and then, consistency is key as usual.
Thank you for your contribution.

Such a great motivational content 👏👍

I highly appreciate with owenrship. Ownership is way that you can made your life succesful.
To take full owenership for your life and circumstances means consistently holding yourself accountable. It means seeing yourself as the creator of your life, very much like a painter or sculptor at work on their craft.

To take full owenership requires objective thinking; it requires embracing difficult situations while openly acknowledging your failures and mistakes. It requires seeing opportunities within every problem or circumstances you find yourself in. It also requires practicing self-discipline and above all else making a commitment to continuous improvement.

A person who takes full responsibility makes no excuses and throws all their complaints out the door. Yes, life might not always initially seem fair, however, these people are not phased by their insecurities. They clearly understand that they are the sculptor of their own life and they alone, therefore, hold the power to change things any-which-way they please.

@communitycoin @kingst

I appreciate.

Taking ownership does take objective thinking. When you take full responsibility for stuffs that affects you, you avoid making excuses and follow through on your goals.
Thank you for your contribution.

I totally enjoyed this. This is really good and a great push i must admit. In a world where we always point fingers at others for our failings, this come in handy. Many time we feel hard done by and we relax, failing to be in control and take charge of the situation.

When a defining moment comes, define the moment, or else the moment will define you. Life will never give us what we deserve, but what we demand, and that comes with consistency and setting realistic goals.

Thank you for this. It is a mind opener. Gracias.

Thank you for reading. We need to understand the best ways to define moments and take what we want from life. Thanks.

This is beautifully constructed.

For us to achieve anything, we need to set goals.
Not just goals but realistic goals and hold ourselves accountable for doing so.
There should also be some form of punishment for not accomplishing the said goal.

Thanks much for sharing this piece.


Thank you for your contribution. Setting goals helps us achieve our targets and gives us an accountable standing in life.

To be responsible is the hardest thing to most as they are blind to their faults. Only when this is acknowledged that perhaps there is a chance of becoming a responsible person.
Otherwise..we stay irresponsible great and mighty without faults.

You must not be blind to your faults if you want to achieve a win. We must take responsibility for our actions if we are to see good results.
Thank you for your contribution.

We might have the best intention, the greatest idea but if the result/s we are aiming for is not happening then perhaps we need to step back and reflect on what might be the best strategy that might bring the most probable result that we are aiming for.
This most times can be another's idea that we have not considered.

Good post, i can't stress enough how important it is to tailor your environment to have as little distractions and toxic individuals in your life because once you do start to get going and improving those individuals that are slacking off will try to discurage you because you make them feel bad about themselves being stuck in the same place and blaming some other factor other than them selves, to anyone who is serious id suggest doing the Jordan B. Peterson Future authoring program.

If you want to see results, you must move from where you are to where you will get results. Avoiding distractions as much as you can will set the tone for productivity.
Thank you for your contribution.

Most times, it is somewhat difficult to own up to our mistakes.
We'd rather blame it on someone else than accept the blame for it.
The ability to accept our mistakes is what makes us who we are.
Thanks much for sharing this piece.


We must be able to accept our mistakes and not be petty. Thank you for your contribution.

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