Wing Chun Qi Gong Five Principles: Part 1 of 6
Safe to Practice Anytime
The Wing Chun Qi Gong Five Principles are not only necessary for proper Qi Gong, they're also a great "way" in which to live your life. So in truth, you can practice these principles anytime, and I highly advise you do.
Habit Energy is the Way
The beauty of setting aside time each day to specifically practice Qi Gong though, is a perfect way to engrain The Five Principles as a habit, and a way to refine and improve on each of them. So you could set aside 5 minutes each day to practice each principle for 1 minute, for example.
The Five Principles
So what are the Five Principles?
You'll notice that I sign off each post with these under my name:
- Don't Worry,
- Relax,
- Be Happy,
- Concentrate; and
- Do Your Best.
They each require a little explaining, so I am going to set aside a 6 part series to help you get started practicing them now.
The Importance of Fundamentals
And remember something very important!
These Five Principles are "Fundamental" to the practice. There is no "secret" as such to Qi Gong. Yes, there are secret practices, but once I tell you the practice (which I will in time), the true secret is practicing the fundamentals until you have mastered them. If you are looking for the secret to success, this is it in a sentence.
As such, do NOT gloss over these principles. If you fail at achieving just one of these you'll never practice correct Qi Gong, and most likely miss the "Real" Qi Door.
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Sifu Jordan
(Don't Worry, Relax, Be Happy, Concentrate and Do Your Best)