What is Wing Chun Qigong?

in #wingchun6 years ago


Wing Chun

Most people have heard of Wing Chun these days thanks to movie stars like Bruce Lee and Donny Yen. Wing Chun is a compact Chinese Martial Art (Kung Fu) that is a branch out of Shaolin and Emei. Because of this, depending on which school you attend, you'll find elements of Hard (external) and Soft (internal).

My thoughts on the differences in schools and the arguments about authenticity are rather fruitless. My take is that the original Wing Chun is not a noun, but a verb. Wing Chun exists within you, buy you need to bring the Wing Chun body to life. Only then is it authentic.

Qi Gong

In the image you'll notice the translation for Qi is Energy. I prefer this translation over Breath. Yes, the breath is used in Qi Gong and is of crucial importance, but one uses the breath to discover the underlying energy, which is called Qi in Chinese, and what we are looking to cultivate. Ergo, the Gong, which simply means to keep practicing, eliminating all mistakes until you master the art and get it right.

Wing Chun Qi Gong

Now you've been given a simple definition, we can combine the words together, and we're presented with a type of Mind, Body, and Energy Cultivation from the Wing Chun Kung Fu Lineage.

But one thing I wish to stress with all of you, is that Wing Chun Qi Gong contains Qi Gong from other major schools - And I can attest to this because not only have I checked, but Sifu Greg Choi also travelled and checked too - And we both had the same experience...every time we found a Qi Gong, we already had a variant of it in our Wing Chun Ling Tung Qi Gong Syllabus. (I have yet to demonstrate this syllabus to the world, but I plan explain using Steemit).

Now, before I close, one of the reasons I love Wing Chun Qi Gong is that it contains Qi Gong found in Buddhist, Confucius, and Taoist schools - Now remember, each of these root words has several schools. For example, Buddhism has Tibetan, Zen, Tantric, etc. - So instead of having to practice them all, I simply practice Wing Chun Qi Gong and the core Qi Gong in these schools is being practiced too.

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Sifu Jordan
(Don't Worry, Relax, Be Happy, Concentrate and Do Your Best)

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