The wine myths unraveled - Do you still believe IT? The MUST simple wine guide for a beginner

in #wine8 years ago

“Are you sure you want to order a wine that costs ONLY 1000 dollars?” Asked the sommelier loudly with the whole might of his voice, in a restaurant full of people…

“To take wine into our mouths is to savor a droplet of the river of human history”
― Clifton Fadiman

Guys, today I want to share with you some common myths that surround wine.


But shhhhh! Beware! What I am about to tell you is a secret =)

  • The waiter / bartender / sommelier is trying to sell you the most expensive wine they have – Well, the job of these guys is to sell you good time. Just ask for more options and you will get them. Don’t be shy to say the price you are ready to pay (BONUS advise – don’t make yourself sound more than you actually know!)

“Unlike wine, bad ideas don't improve with age.”
― Marty Rubin

  • Your fridge is the best place to keep your wine – I’ll tell you even more, wine has no place in the kitchen unless you have a special fridge for it. And as we are not oligarchs, store it in a place where it won’t get too much light. The place also needs to be cool and not too humid.

  • Cheap wine is not good – Then why are you still buying steem? Isnt the more expensive the better? Buy only btc then… Of course not! My advice is install vivino on your mobile, it’s a simple app that will help you to pick some good wine.

  • When in a restaurant, DON'T pick the most expensive wine, even if you are ordering a Japanese marble steak, just follow the simple set of rules we already spoke about

  • I buy cheap wine, so I can drink it from a plastic cup – You will be surprised how much better a wine tastes when drunk from the right glass.


  • The fourth wine on a restaurant wine menu is the best – There are no secrets to how a wine card in a restaurant is made. If you enjoy the house wine, then order it proudly!

“What chance does logic have against a glass of wine and a kiss?”
― Marty Rubin

  • Red wine should be served at room temperature – We already spoke about this previously, but you will not believe how many dates have been ruined by the wrongly served red wine ;-)
    The simple rules are – Check out the label, it has the best serving temperature stated! Cool red wine in a fridge, it’s ok! Just remember to take it out at least 45 minutes before serving it.


  • Wines that are open, have to be drunk today – Well, guess what? Even a rightly closed champagne, with a steel cork stopper, can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 days. It’s between 3 – 6 days for white and rose (the lighter, the longer). Between 2 – 4 days for red wines. Fortified wines – 28 days!
    I recommend storing them in the fridge (obviously with a cork stopper)

And if you think that the name of your wine sounds odd, just check these out:

Do you know of any other common misconceptions? Please share them in your reply to this post!

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Very cool - the whole truth is in wine )

Wine is the truth )

Great list. Thanks.
Rule number one - If you like it, it's a good wine. Don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise.

FWIW, I liked wine chilled. Not sure why a particular temperature needs to be maintained. But I just fall back to rule number one. :)
It does change the characteristics though. And I have noticed that sometimes I like it more at room temp, depending on the wine.

You are correct, I always say to people. The most important thing is to enjoy. But best enjoyed correctly ))

Helpful tips for those that want to be more sophisticated about it. I have one simple rule for wine. I know what I like and I drink it no matter what anyone else says, because wine is about living the life that makes you happy. HA

im wine lover. i like that in steemit find this. we must write more about it

These are fun and shpuld know facts on wine. Thank you. I see I dont have the right glass ware for certain glasses of wine.
I always felt if it holds the wine- it was a good
Going to get the right glasses tomorrow. Thank you for this fun myth and fact article

You welcome! Glad i helped!

I make my own muscadine wine and I drink it from a mason jar, but I am a redneck.., so there's that! lol
great post !

I always have trouble making my own wine

What's the problem, won't ferment or just ends up bad?

It ferments well, but then my biggest trouble is after. Its just doesnt end up well

I have a wine kit batch I have already racked - one lesson I've learned, do not sit on canned concentrate for a year - the color is a dull umber, but still tastes fine - so I'm gonna have some ugly ass wine, but heck, it'll be the color of scotch!

Good advice, I haven't tried the wine kits but I may have to, this year the wild grape harvest was zilch!
I do have some blackberries in the freezer I may try, didn't have time earlier in the year!

good wine can't be cheap

You'll be syrprised.
Unfortunatly the wine industry is also based on trends and brands. Sometimes you buy a French Bordeuax and it turns out to be worse than a Russian Crimean wine.

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