


One was a bank robbery ... the robbers shouted ...

"But still .... Money belonging to rulers of a state ... .... "

All of the people inside the bank quickly fell down on the floor to everybody. The conventional thing to say ... will resist sensitivities ဘဏ်ဝန်ထမ်း want people ... but because of the robbery a man, tell him a quick way down and fell down on the floor .... This philosophy is called sin when ....

Meanwhile, a woman was found on tricking a different table. Meanwhile, a woman shouted robbers ...

Try the "dignity .... The robbery of rape do not want ... "

Professional rice ... it. Called just being focused on achieving the purpose of carrying on.

Then go home robbers. There were six young MBA from robbers told the older end of the robbers ...

"The older brother Let us count how much money"

There, the older robber replied ...
"I could not drink the water ... so a lot of money, why spend a lot of time there ...
As we watch the TV news tonight to transfer money from a bank will be announcing the news that "

It is called experience. Today is more important than the degree of experience ...

When the sailors returned to the bank robbery ... a bank manager, said Superintendent towards .... And to call police immediately ...

But the manager who oversees a moment ..
"Ten million dollars from the bank, we let our power ... then ... we will not allow abuse previously when I add ten million dollars ... at once light"

It is called a slip and sat down ... your rights as applied here.

This is supervised by ...
"If the bank robbers "
This is lazy or boring during tight spoofed say ...

Personal happiness is more important in my life ....

The next day, I ...
TV news is plain. Bank robbers have taken a hundred million dollars from a bank ...

Robbers who take their money to turn back repeatedly flipped counted only twenty million dollars from their money ... There are quite angry robbers ...

"We are taking chances with his life bank robbery had twenty million dollars ... Ja Snap when you can play one of four members went to eighty million educated man is better than a thief ..."

The bank manager bank robbery thought, smiling. Because stake include loss of money in a bank robbery, I was added to ...

Now, this story is really robbers who ... ..?

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