Will Grayson, Will Grayson Novel by David Levithan and John Green.

in #will-grayson3 years ago

Hello i am doing a book review for Will Grayson Will Grayson this is part one I'll do this like a half this book is about two guys named Will Grayson as you can see from the post title


and the shiny pages it is by these two guys these two handsome gentlemen John Green and David Levithan and they're pretty much awesome odd chapters are written by John Green and the even

chapters are written by David Levithan and John Green does his like the proper kind of way and David Levithan does it kind of like more of a script looking as you can see like where's his cup man

bubble club but yeah I like how it's different and you can tell they're two different world brazen stockings and one of the guys is straight and one of them is gained it's really need to see like

their thoughts on love and life and how they treat their friends and different kind of things like that both are kind of like not really loners but they're like you know I don't really have

friends will grayson and Will Grayson her from two different towns it probably like suburbs of Chicago and they both meet in Chicago at a place called Frenchie's and it's like a porn shop

kind of thing and so it's really funny just be like how they met and everything a memorable lives cut because it I guess it kind of meets it at X and kind of still like intertwines a little bit

so before they meet their just like these total separate entities and they don't know that each other exists one of the moral Grayson's says you know like I knew that there were other will

Grayson's out there but I never thought I'd be one I like their approach to talking about love because it's not like hey I'm in love with you

I just met you that kind of thing because tiny and Cooper is kind of like that where he's just like I saw this guy.


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그리고 그것은 정말 재미 있습니다 그들이 어떻게 만났는지처럼 그리고 모든 것이 기억에 남는 삶을 잘라 내기 때문에 나는 엑스에서 그것을 만나는 것 같아요 그리고 여전히 조금 얽혀 있습니다

그래서 그들이 만나기 전에 자신의 단지 이러한 총 별도의 엔티티처럼 그들은 서로 도덕적 중 하나가 존재하는지 몰라 그레이슨의 내가 다른 의지가 있다는 것을 알고처럼 당신이 알고 말한다

그레이슨의 거기하지만 난 내가 사랑에 대해 이야기에 자신의 접근 방식을 좋아하는 하나가 될 거라고 생각하지 않았다 그것은 헤이처럼 아니에요 때문에 나는 당신과 사랑에 빠졌어요

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