Wildflower series ~ Missed it!

in #wildflowers6 years ago

I found a lone Crinum lily of some kind growing on the hill in November and I was keeping an eye on it because the flowers are large, pink and spectacular.

crinum 26Nov.jpg

The rains came very late this year and at the end of November, everything was still very dry. It only started raining at the end of December and at that stage, I was too preoccupied with felling the large tree in my yard, as well as other cleanup duties to go up the hill and check on it. I finally got around to going up around the first weekend of January and to my surprise, it had developed a flower stalk and finished flowering already, all within about 3 weeks. By the 16 January, it was already making seeds.

crinum 16 Jan.jpg

I'll go and collect some seeds and sow them in my garden because that is the only one of its kind that I have found on the hill. These are important plants in traditional medicine and their numbers in the wild are reducing due to harvesting.

Like most lily species, these are also pretty toxic and although internal use is diminishing, they are used as an ingredient in lucky charms and protective spells for the house so the demand for these plants has not reduced.

These are considered easy to grow so I will sow the seeds directly into my garden and see what comes up.


Used in lucky charms and protective spells? Interesting. I'm going to read about it and see if it's available in India. My wife loves such kind of things.

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The amaryllis family are found mostly in South America and Southern Africa although there are some found in Sri Lanka. They may be confined to Southern parts, though

Great to have people like you to preserve these beautiful plants ...

Sometimes I think that it's actually quite pointless to try but what the hell, they are beautiful

It will be interesting to see what grows from the seeds of this lily. I hope that you publish.

Hmm what kind of protection do they offer? I know people who used to paint their window sills cobalt blue to ward off demons. I'm sure they would buy these kinds of plants as well.

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I think it is mostly in the mind of the person who applies it, as a way of making evil unable to stick to people or houses. These mixtures also itch considerably if applied to the body

After what kind of demon wants an itchy body lol.

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Something like that

Wow! This is very interesting!! I wanna see the flowers too! So people are still quite superstitious like Thai people!

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I think that's a default state for all humans

Hahaha! Very funny! Default like computer programs!

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I like that you collect and preserve seeds of various plants around you! The whole "lucky charms and protective spells" aspect sounds pretty interesting...


Not when it results in wholesale destruction of the plant life :(

¡Hola, que lindo será que veamos este gran amarilis crecer y florecer. Tengo uno en casa esperando tener suficiente tamaño para florecer, es un regalo y no sé cual color será.

A surprise to look forward to!

It is a pity that we could not see the photo of the flowering of this lily ...

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