Assange Hits Back At The Intercept - Claims "Obsessive And Obscenity-Laden" Campaign Against Him

in #wikileaks7 years ago (edited)

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Julian Assange is making headlines again.

Assange stuck back at an article published in The Interview which claims he backed the Trump campaign as evidenced by leaks from a group chat issues by a disgruntled employee.


[I]n the fall of 2015, Trump was polling at less than 30 percent among Republican voters, neck-and-neck with neurosurgeon Ben Carson, and Assange spoke freely about why WikiLeaks wanted Clinton and the Democrats to lose the election.

"We believe it would be much better for GOP to win," he typed into a private Twitter direct message group to an assortment of WikiLeaks' most loyal supporters on Twitter. "Dems+Media+liberals woudl then form a block to reign in their worst qualities," he wrote. "With Hillary in charge, GOP will be pushing for her worst qualities., dems+media+neoliberals will be mute." He paused for two minutes before adding, "She's a bright, well connected, sadistic sociopath." -The Intercept

Assange claims that basic fact checking was not done by author, Micah Lee. A couple facts he points to:

-Wikileaks has a rotating staff that posts on it
-It happened when the world knew he had no Internet access.

- the @WikiLeaks account is run by a rotating staff as has been repeatedly stated over the years:
- basic fact checking would have shown this. another example: the article uses messages from late Oct 2016 when I infamously had no internet access.

— Julian Assange ⌛ (@JulianAssange) February 14, 2018

Assange further claims that Lee has a long standing grudge against him.

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I still think Hillary would have started more wars! Trump has been shit(taxing solar pannels!) But I FEAR Hillary. I think the states should start choosing there candidate for leaders like they choose astronauts rather than the weird system that promoted Hillary vs Trump - there was no good options for the voters at the end

Assange 2020! HERO!

I think this game who supported whom or who meddled with the election is so ridiculous and almost everyone already got over it. Assange is just a middle man, I mean what is the different between Bezos and Assange? One works for goverment and the other for the people. All these accusations against him are baseless, he just got in to their way “the bureaucrats“ and they are trying to get rid of him. I would compare it to petrodollar. When leaders of their countries decided to pull out of the petrodollar deal, all of the sudden there was a reason for US to go to war, they did and they did silenced the minority. It’s only going to go for soo long and I have a feeling they are loosing it. Fiat goes down the toilet and fortunately people are waking up, the decentralized crypto is here!

The fall from grace of Julian Assange/Wikileaks and Chelsea Manning is one of the more unexpected aspects of Trump's rise to power. Six years ago they were whistleblowing heroes; today, they're despised as shills for Russia.

It would be a shame if one side of the very important government surveillance debate we were having in 2012/13 is discredited due to being associated with Russia. We may embrace the surveillance state in full now, and deride whistleblowers as potential Russian agents.

Why is there still a British arrest warrant on him ? He has not been accused of any crime over there . Arrest warrant on Assange has been withdrawn by Sweden . It's unfortunate that the Intercept has attacked the man. The online paper started out doing good but has shifted hard to the left while jumping in bed with the Deep State.Wikileaks is famous for guaranteeing that all released documents are authentic and all information is factual.

Assange has publicly announced and publicized numerous US Department of State correspondence through its website. Assange has been living in a room of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London's Knightsbridge district for about 6 years. The British court ordered Assange to return to Sweden, which was charged with raping two women in 2010 .Assange took refuge in Ecuador's London embassy because of the risk of being sent to the US if it was extradited to Sweden in June 2012 after the decision to extradite him. The Swedish court dropped the suits against Assange last year. Assange's lawyers, after the fall of the arrest warrant in the UK function and lost its purpose...Very interesting man ! @zer0hedge

What they've done to Assange is beyond disgusting,an example of backstabbing duplicity and sinister government collusion using lies and deceit as a foundation in a pathetic effort to conceal their own repetitive collective criminal behavior.

It's pretty straightforward, anyone who seeks to persecute or prosecute Assange are indeed the ones whom should be prosecuted and burned at the stake.

Julian Assange should just admit to these claims. These accusations are backed by evidence of the transfer of messages between Wikileaks' staff and Trump's camp. Though he's claiming foul play, the collaboration between Julian Assange and Russia had some history behind it and we see they had an intention of influencing the election in Trump's favour.
Wikileaks suspicion of releasing emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee, Wikileaks' publishing of one or more of Trump's father’s tax returns in order to make his group’s attacks on Hillary Clinton seem less biased, Wikileaks' tweet of an attack on Clinton for not having driven her own car during her decades of public service.. all are evidenced with proof that pins Julian Assange.
Well the damage on Hillary Clinton is already done and Julian Assange at the moment has nothing to lose since he's objective was successful.


Whether Assange backed Trump or not no one cares eccept for those who lost and is inconvenient Trump being president of the US. "We believe it would be much better for GOP to win," who cares if Assange actualy said it!
These roomers regarding Assanges accusation:
I have no idea if Julian Assange is guilty or not. It definately doesn’t smell good. The fact that the accusation and attempted arrest follows the incident surrounding Wikileaks appear to be a political trial against freedom of information. Ridiculous, Mueller looks more the fool with each passing day.

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