Stranger than Fiction: Vault 7 proves CIA agent is active My Little Pony roleplayersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #wikileaks7 years ago (edited)

In what can only be described as an "epic fail" of intelligence, WikiLeaks' Vault 7 contains proof that at least one member of the CIA's Intelligence Operations Center was quite active in the My Little Pony roleplaying community on ponychan.

An image titled Sassy-Cat-Pic-640x607.jpg was added sometime in April or May 2015 to the repository of User #71475 found in Vault 7. At around the same time, in April 2015, the image was first posted to the visible Internet in the My Little Pony roleplaying board at by a user named Avedon!Void.EuI.c. (archived thread)

The image wouldn't be posted again to the Internet until January 2016. Once again, it was Avedon!Void.EuI.c posting the image to yet another thread on the ponychan roleplaying forum. (archived thread)

Finally, the image wouldn't be seen again until the release of Vault 7.

Here's the original 4chan post with the appropriate reactions only 4chan could provide.

4chan reaction to CIA bronery

Pics because it happened, but feel free to search yourself as well:

DuckDuckGo results

Google results



Ahhhahahaha :'D

Sure is a long way from James Bond, lol

eh james bond is cool and all but there are more advanced ways 2 change your reality then silly domination nonsense u just change yourself! amasing how easy that is!

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