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RE: Twenty-One Thoughts On The Persecution Of Julian Assange

in #wikileaks6 years ago

Persecution? I don't think you get it...

Julian Assange is a criminal hacker named 'Mendax', or it might have been 'Trax', or 'Prime Suspect', he has alias. And alias and numerous online handles, are for those who have something to hide, and for those who seek to do wrong on the Internet. They aim to impinge the freedom of others, for what they believe is free.

Julian Assange breaks into computers, by hacking into them, and steals the information within, it is not his information, it does not belong to him, or his criminal outfit called Wikileaks -- the information belongs to the person, corporation, government or department who owns the you understand that is thief to steal from another's computer? It does not matter what you feel about that corporation or the users of that website -- it is not yours if you believe in freedom, it is none of your business. If you believe in Socialism, and violating the privacy of others...then you are Julian Assange.

He has broken into government computer like the Pentagon's, U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of the Navy, NASA, OTC, Lockheed Martin, Xerox, Motorola, Panasonic, Stanford University, Citibank, MILNET....the list goes on. The man is a spy, a thief, and an ardent Socialist Marxist who bound to bring down, and cause the failure of the U.S. government.

Julian Assange lead a life that we would not want our children to lead, his mother and father were out there on the edge, his real father gone and new step fathers continuously -- and boys have problems with stepfathers, and he had a number, one was a member of a an Australian cult. So Julian right from the start was damaged goods. He led a nomadic life, living in over thirty towns before he was 16. And that lead to a young man who was confused about the world, confused about men, confused about fathers, and relationships, marriage, home, love and all that goes along with a happy family life that we live.

Julian Assange aided another criminal, Edward Joseph Snowden, who was a CIA employee sworn to protect the United States of America against her enemies, and who stole secret information and made his own narrative up, about why he did it... Assange with his contacts in the Kremlin achieved his escape via a back door to Russia, a foreign government that hates and despises the United States of America, and that will use the information Snowden stole in laptops to undermine and bring down the government of the United States if it can...

Julian Assange, assisted the Russian Federation in its cyber-war against the United States and its people. He was given a TV show by Mikhail Lesin, Putin's media Minister, until his suspicious death in a Washington Hotel. from a fall from a high place. Lesin started RT, a Russian State owned and a Kremlin funded and controlled television station, tearing apart the people and the government of the United States on a daily basis. Tearing apart the politicians that rule. Polarizing that society, causing strife and undo mental anguish. causing fighting and violence in the streets. He promoted and taught dissent and hatred and destruction of the west, in his Socialist Marxism style. In 'Cypherpunks' Assange spoke about online security, the Internet as our greatest tool for emancipation, and it is being turned into an instrument of totalitarianism -- an hypocrisy by Julian Assange because that is exactly what he was doing when he hacks and dumps private information that hurt or destroys people and the peace -- he stole, influenced, and helped the Russian federation and a computer ignorant Vladimir Putin invent a criminal cyber network at war with the West.

Julian Assange took the stolen Podesta files, received from Russian GRU hackers named Fancy Bear which they stole from a DNC computer. The GRU FancyBear, hacked into the DNC computer, and found a link which lead them to the Gmail account and the Podesta files. FancyBear gave them to Julian Assange, and he released them strategically just prior to the November 2016 election, influencing the vote against Hillary Clinton.

Assange disliked and hated Hillary Clinton and sought her down-fall. If he could stop her becoming President he would.

Assange knew how damaging these Podesta files would be -- he hated America, he is a Socialist that hates the west. He hates the family, the way of life, and like some drug addled rock star anarchist, despised all the nice people, who are quiet and live good lives in communities all over the west. There is nothing gained by this but embarrassment and disgrace of not the politicians but the working class people of the United States of America. That were proud of their nation, and themselves. Who are pulled down and disgraced every time a loser like this feels his hactivism rise and a godam need to be some fucking self-styled gunslinger in action...

When the Panama papers exposed Vladimir Putin to holding a off-shore account with roughly $2 Billion in it -- when he was not even close to that kind of wealth -- and it involved Sergei Roldugin Putin's close friend and Roldugin's wife. Assange tried to turn it back on America, Protecting his taskmaster. A double standard, in his plight for so-called good.

He taught Fancy Bear, and between him and Snowden, Russian Hactivism got a great start...

There were never any large dumps of Russian information, showing the corruption of the Putin government, the election fraud. The incessant cyber-war silently constantly going on to subvert the west, subvert America and its institutions and corporations. There was nothing about Putin's oppression of Russian media, or its people brought to further poverty and oppression, or the Russian shadow economy that to this day steals 48% of GDP of Russia. Or the FSB assassination of Boris Nemtsov, or anything about the deep-rooted corruption of a KGB elite in power with a criminal St Peterburg oligarchy. There was no dump of information on Billions of dollars siphoned of the Russian economy to cronies and their nepotism. There was no dump of information that talked about the expensive homes and bling filled gifts that are peppered to the chosen in a Putin government. There was no dump of information about the cyber war going on in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova...

No. Assange did not leak any information from Russia, just some useless software files about hacking.

Julian Assange took advantage of a young and naive Chelsea/Bradley Manning, a young man caught up in gender dysphoria -- close to vital military documents. Assange helped Manning reverse engineer a p/w to gain access to important military documents and computer files, and released them to the public, and endangered the life of that young soldier, and other young soldiers.

Manning was court-mashalled and stripped of rank, disgraced and given a life sentence. Did Assange stand up and come forward and do the right thing and tell the truth about his coercion and manipulation of young No this fucking coward let the kid take the hit. This gutless spy and twisted mind said nothing, and did not come forward to save the young man's life. At one point he faced execution. I have often wondered if Assange would have let Manning be executed and used it to his own ends. Assange has released information that has placed in danger; Homosexuals in Arab countries; pregnant Arab teenage rape victims, Arab women in adulterous affairs, children and the weak and old.

Assange is no hero he is a fucking reptile, cold-blooded and in it for his own gain, and ego

America has problems, it is not getting the right leaders, culturally it is coming of age, maturing, and with maturation comes the truth of the past and those sins that were committed by our fathers, grandfathers, and they come home to roost. And plague the peace, and the new world that is now being created, tries hard to right that past, and start again.

Vladimir Putin is an old Cold warrior, a paranoid and conspiracy ridden heart, forged in a time when most kids were listening to rock and roll and trying to get laid for the first time. Vladimir Putin was in West Berlin, with the STASI of the GDR, conniving and torturing and stopping freedom's reign. He was drugging and infiltrating, and assassinating, he was learning how to be become a perfect psychopath. When the wall fell, he burnt documents of the missing and jailed and the truth. He was the spiritual son of Yury Andropov, a staunch Stalinist and the cruelest man to walk planet earth. The inventor the fifth directive, a system of torture and pain to find dissent as a mental insanity that had to be drugged or sent to a special jail, a gulag or prison. A system used to put down violently any opposition or free speech, or free thought. Vladimir Putin is a dictator who would have the west fall hard, and have each and every one us, who he hates, lying naked, hungry, and freezing in the dark..

And Julian Assange is the spiritual son of Vladimir be despised and shunned as an evil.


At first I took this comment seriously, but it is so ridiculous, I finally realized it is a satire! If I had the time, I would share this with many people so they could have a good laugh.

If this is in fact true, how about creating a post 21 facts about Putin and why yellow vests need to have a revolution and clean house, they seem receptive to it and asked if the YV movement was coming there. . .

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