Julian Assange celebrates victory from Ecuadorian embassy balcony after months of absence - comments on rape charges dropped by Sweden

in #wikileaks7 years ago

After being detained for seven years without charge Julian acknowledged the good news this afternoon from the embassy balcony; dismissing any rumors of his death since he last reviled his face late last year.

julian from balcony

If you have been following Wikileaks for a while you may be familiar with the rumors of CIA control and Assange's capture. These remain mostly in part because Julian has not shown his face publicly since late last year. He is currently in residence at the Ecuadorian embassy under political asylum. He has also not revealed PGP crypto keys that would help validate his state of wellness. - These fears come to rest today as he stepped out on to the embassy balcony and detailed the excited press on the recent progression in his legal status.

The Swedish government has just dropped their alleged rape investigation into Assange - the investigation leading to his 7-year detention without charge. The detainment situation was allowed by EU regulations that allow for indefinite detentions without the need for a criminal charge. The UK has been previously "forced" into supporting this statute and it is why Julian has been unable to see his children grow up.

In his remarks Julian thanks the United Nations Human Rights System for the progress in both his freedom and the precedent this progress sets. He thanks Ecuador and all of the Ecuadorian people for standing by his side and upholding human rights, even at the face of tremendous political and economic pressures. Tremendous thanks to his legal team who have worked without pay.

The progress, while still a victory, is representative of a war that is not yet over. The UK will still arrest Julian if he sets foot outside the embassy, regardless. The United States have said that Julian and other Wikileaks staff have no rights and that their arrest is a priority. They have said that their First Amendment rights are not valid. Despite these comments, Assange expresses his desire to maintain a dialogue with the DOJ.

Wikileaks says that they will continue their publications, their latest Athena release detailing the remote beacon loader capabilities against Windows was released today.

We all have asylum rights: that to seek, receive, and enjoy asylum for political reasons. The 1951 Convention on Refugees ensures this is maintained. The case regarding Julian sets precedent in the future of this matter.

Looking forward, it is absurd that a European journalist could be extradited to the United States if he is not operating under their jurisdiction. This matter is very much a threat to journalists worldwide. This is unacceptable.

Stay decentralized,


Kyle, thanks for getting word of this out and congrats on a successful school year.

Both of these means a pile of good news.

Have a great summer my friend!!!

See you round the #SteemitCampfire

Later I will publish the Metropolitan Police Statement to all of this! ....

Interesting news for sure...

See you round the #SteemitCampfire

Sorry I didn't make it last night. I was at a funeral yest. then I came home and had an explosive dose of creative diarrhoea!

TMI lol

I have noticed some silence from you this week so I hope you are OK overall.

The #SteemitCampfire is on again all weekend if you want to stop by with Kyle here and others to engage and chat and hang out.

@rubenalexander did another version of the #SteemitCampfire song he came up with last week too!

I've had a funeral this week as well as my 3 week vacation to plan for and get ready for next week so its been really really busy!! Good news for Steem eh! Its going nuts today! I promise to pop over the steemitcampfire now :)

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