WikiLeaks Vault 8 to be released on the 21st

in #wikileaks7 years ago

WikiLeaks is set to release Vault 8 on the 21st of this month. This data dump will be very interesting. Speculation has it, that this data dump could contain information about market manipulation, corruption with banks, politicians and more pedophilia. Perhaps alien disclosure of some kind would be in this data dump. Who really knows. What I do know, is that the global corrupt system is being exposed. Truth always ultimately comes out.

Under the JFK Records Act of 1992, the National Archives has until Oct. 26 of this year to disclose the remaining files related to the assassination of the President Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963. There are approximately over 3100 sealed files that could be made available to the public. Perhaps these files will show involvement with the CIA (George Bush senior who was young back then or Allen Dulles), or the central bank families of the Federal Reserve. Sooner or later the truth always surfaces. One thing for sure is, that most people no longer believe the lone shooter theory of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Most of us already know how corrupt the Clinton's are and their pay to play Clinton Foundation. Investigations have started showing the millions of dollars the Clinton's made with Russian Uranium brokered contracts made while Hillary was Secretary of State. 20% of our Uranium mines where sold to Russian corporations during the Obama administration. The Clinton's received millions of dollars for speaking fees and Foundation donations as compensation for orchestrating such deals.

Mnuchin mentioned yesterday, that if the congress does not pass the Tax Cut Bill, the markets will be effected. He stated that "the risking the end of the bull run that yesterday carried the Dow above 23,000, a rally that has largely been predicated on investors’ hopes for tax reform, according to the Hill." The current monetary system is dead. The collapse is inevitable. When it will happen or is it happening now I am not 100% certain. Perhaps, if congress does not pass the Tax Cut Bill, this will be used as the excuse needed to explain the economic collapse.

One thing for sure, I feel having physical silver, cash, and crypto currency is a must for what is coming. I would not feel safe to have all of my assets in the U.S. Dollar only. Having a diverse portfolio is a must in today's world.

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