Wikileaks, Julian Assange, Port Arthur Massacre, The "Family Cult" and Why is it all Connected? PART 2

in #wikileaks7 years ago

Back Again Steemit'ers! <3

I really can't get enough of this platform! It is beyond my wildest imagination and totally in my creative corner. Now to work out the in between parts! I am struggling with a few technical things-But hopefully my brain will rewire and work to Steem soon! <3 thank you for you patience and Thank you all for your amazing welcome! <3

I am hoping to make this a full time thing eventually, along with a few other bits I do, that I will post about later on this coming week. <3

So Part 1 of this article covered who Julian is, Where he is from and some of his links to a cult ("The Family") which in turn, is linked to MK ultra programs (Which one is unknown at the point of writing this post).

Back to the post.

I left it off around Raynor Carey Johnson and his involvement with the family. I want to revisit the psychiatric hospital, briefly, that this cult was linked to and owned.

This is an article I found, from an interesting publication from here in Australia called, Overland, in relation the Newhaven Psychiatric Hospital.

           (Achia, Vivien. LSD at Newhaven Psychiatric: memoir. [A private psychiatric hospital in Kew, Melbourne. Article in the issue entitled Disorder /Dysfunction.] [online]. Overland, No. 172, Spring 2003: 58-62. Availability: <;dn=200311313;res=IELAPA> ISSN: 0030-7416.)    

(This is a link to the excerpt-I have the full article in pdf form if you want it-let me know-or how I can post it here :) )


     "Newhaven Hospital's reputation was further damaged by the activities of Anne Hamilton-Byrne who worked there as a psychiatric nurse during the sixties and seventies. She, with several members of staff, recruited vulnerable patients for her seer, The Family.

       In 1975 the production and administration of LSD-for medical and other purposes-was banned, but as recently as 1991 the Newhaven Hospital Victims Action Group (NHV AG) continued to pressure the Victorian Government, writing to every MP, calling for a Royal Commission into the Newhaven Hospital. 

        Maureen Lyster, then Health Minister, replied that the use of hallucino- genic drugs at the time in question was strictly monitored and that there was insufficient evidence in the letter from NHVAG to require further action by the Health Department."

      There was a report produced by the Victorian Health Commissioner in 1991, which was referred to in the press, but it seems that it was either not completed or not officially published. 

This article goes through a man's experiences at Newhaven. He talks extensively about the different techniques they used on him and other patients. Pretty intense stuff. I have looked far and wide for the above Commissioner's report-And cannot find reference to it anywhere else. Let alone a hard copy of it.

Funny (not so much) how this seems to happen with all of these "Royal Commissions". There are too many instances, especially here in Australia, where the government is often overrun with the "powers that shouldn't be" and bulldoze all ability for any/all victims etc to be heard. They get isolated from MSM and kept from getting they're knowledge and experiences out.

Look at Fiona Barnett- She has one of the most reliable, unwavering, firsthand witness accounts of the horrific truth behind the reason these subjects don't make it to the typically numbed mind.
I will note here that Fiona SPECIFICALLY mentions the fact that blonde/platinum hair was important and was a major part as to why she ended up so high in this sect, as she calls it, "The Grand Dame".

Pretty much every aspect of what Fiona has said and reported so far, has been verified and, in fact, has had more paper trail evidence emerge through investigation into her claims than most other claims of this type of abuse. (i.e Cathy O'Brien, Brice Taylor etc etc etc)

Also, in reference to Newhaven Psychiatric hospital, this place is only 1 among many other 'care facilities', that have been linked to many serial pedocriminals-I.e Jimmy Savile (, Lawrence King (

), Mark Dutroux ( and the list goes on.

This is an important piece of this strange puzzle, as from the very tips of the tentacles to the base of the belly of this ugly beast, they all intertwine.

There had to have been knowledge and involvement of Police, Government and other bodies that could have this stopped-if only it benefitted them more than having an operation like these running.

However, as usual, we see cover-up after cover-up and instead of the truth coming to light when the people rise up-Charges like fraud are brought against the local face of the 'cult'.

So, whilst reading and researching A LOT of things, I came across this interesting youtube video...

gives a pretty good run down of what I have talked about here...

This video was what prompted me to start looking at Martin Bryant a little more closely.

His supposed actions at Port Arthur, Tasmania, were responsible for guns being stripped from the Australian people and stringent laws and regulations placed on them.

We all know what that means.
If any over eager politician gets a bee in his Bonnet and decides we need to be rounded up etc. No way to defend ourselves, our property or our families.

It makes sense that this was some type of false flag event which got 'them' what they wanted.


Give us the Problem
that incites the Reaction
So 'they' can offer the Solution 'they' wanted to begin with.

And this is what happened in this instance.

Below are some findings by other authors and experts, including the police themselves, which upon reading may cause you to think along the same lines.

Firstly some questions that have been asked:

  1. On the Sunday morning, two hours before the murders, ten of the senior managers of Port Arthur were taken to safety many miles away up the east coast, for a two day seminar with a vague agenda and no visiting speakers.
    Was the timing of this trip a mere coincidence?

  2. Also just before the shootings the only two policemen in the region were called away on a wild goose chase. They were sent to the Coal Mine at Salt Water River, to investigate a heroin drug stash which turned out to be soap powder.
    This was too far for them to get to the Broad Arrow Cafe in time to be of any use. Had the policeman remained at Dunalley he would have closed the swing bridge to prevent the killer(s) from escaping from the peninsula.
    Did Bryant, IQ 66, organise this decoy?

  3. Big Mortuary Truck. Before the massacre, a specially-built 22 person capacity mortuary truck was built. It attracted some derision at the time, but its effective use at Port Arthur was unquestioned.
    After the massacre it was advertised, unsuccessfully, for sale via the internet, then converted for another purpose.
    Without the foresight of Port Arthur, why build it? When it had proven its worth, why get rid of it? Another coincidence?

  4. Martin Bryant has never been properly identified as the gunman.
    A young woman who ate her lunch near the gunman just before 1.30 said he had a freckled face. Graham Collyer, the wounded ex-soldier, who had the best opportunity to observe the killer, said he had a pock-marked or acned face. Neither description fits Bryant who has a beautifully smooth complexion. Graham Collyer says that it was not Bryant who shot him in the neck.

  5. Illegal Photo. On 30th April the Hobart Mercury printed an old photo of Martin Bryant on the front page. This was illegal because at that stage some of the witnesses had not yet been asked to identify the killer, and the photo would have become fixed in the minds of the witnesses. When one witness was asked to describe the clothing worn by the gunman, she described the clothing on the old photo instead of what the gunman had worn. The Mercury newspaper was not prosecuted for breaking the law.

  6. Mrs Wendy Scurr, nurse, tour guide and Ambulance Officer, rang the police at 1.32 pm to report the shooting. She and other medics then cared for the injured and the dead without any police protection for six and a half hours. Who ordered the armed police to stop at Tarana where they had a barbecue? Even the police who arrived by boats and were a stone’s throw away from the main crime scene in the cafe, also failed to come in to see what was going on. Was this lack of protection meant to increase the trauma of the survivors?

  7. Three more shots were fired at Port Arthur at 6.30 while Bryant was at Seascape. Who fired those shots?

  8. Same Question – Different Answer. At a recent Forensics Seminar in Queensland where Tasmanian Police forensic gun inspector, Gerard Dutton, gave a lecture, the first question came from Mr Ian McNiven. He asked if there was any empirical evidence to link Martin Bryant to the Broad Arrow Cafe. Sargent Dutton immediately closed the 15 minute question time and would not reply. When McNiven managed to say “I have here Graham Collyer’s police statement…”, Sgt Dutton threatened him with arrest and called for security agents to escort McNiven out of the building. When Dutton was asked the same question in America by a Doctor at a seminar, he replied truthfully – “There is no empirical evidence to link Bryant to the cafe”.

  9. Yet a police video tape exists which proves that the police had an excellent opportunity to get DNA samples and finger prints of the gunman. The video briefly shows the blue sports bag on a cafe table. The gunman had carried his 3 rifles in this bag and left it right next to his drinking glass, his Solo soft drink can, knife, fork, plate, etc. Why did the police fail to take DNA samples and finger prints?

  10. According to the official story, Bryant first killed David and Sally Martin at Seascape Cottage in the morning, then went on to Port Arthur. Yet two policemen have reported seeing a naked woman with black hair, screaming and running from one building to another at Seascape well into the afternoon. If Sally Martin was dead, who was this woman?

  11. Proof of other gunmen in Seascape Cottage. While Bryant was calmly talking to police by telephone in the cottage during the ‘siege’ and the conversation was recorded, someone else fired an SKK rifle 20 times. In the transcript the gunfire is recorded as ‘coughs’ but an electronic analysis of one of the ‘coughs’ shows that it was an SKK shot.

  12. Two More Very Handy Seminars. On the Sunday morning, some 25 specialist doctors (Royal Australian College of Surgeons) from all over Australia had attended a training course in Hobart, and their last lecture was on Terrorist Attack and Gunshot Wounds. They stayed on to take care of the wounded victims.

  13. Also, more than 700 reporters from 17 nations came to a seminar in Hobart. They were asked to arrive during the week-end as the seminar was due to begin early on Monday morning. How handy to have 700 scribblers on the spot, churning out their anti-gun and disarmament propaganda to the whole world!

  14. “There will never be uniform Gun Laws in Australia until we see a massacre somewhere in Tasmania”, said Barry Unsworth, NSW Premier, December, 1987 at a conference in Hobart. Prophecy or Planning?

  15. “If we don’t get it right this time (gun laws) next time there is a massacre, and there will be, then they’ll take all our guns off us”, said the deputy prime minister, Tim Fischer in May 1996. Who is the “THEY” who would order the removal of our guns? Did Fischer let slip that gun confiscation has been ordered by someone other than our own leaders?

  16. No Respect for the Law. Our law demands that a Coronial Inquiry must take place (a) when foreign nationals are killed (b) when anyone dies in a fire. At Port Arthur several foreigners were killed and three people died in the fire at Seascape.

  17. It is evident that the massacre was planned to happen on the ferry which sailed to the Isle of the Dead every day. The victims were to be eighty elderly American tourists who had come in two coaches. But the plan went awry because the sailing time of the ferry had changed from 1.30 to 2.00 pm.

    There is a part 2 to this:

And this, fellow SteemIT'ers, is the end of part 2! <3

Stay Tuned For Part 3 <3

Hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I have enjoyed writing this post.

SteemON! <3


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