Happy Birthday 2 My Wife!

in #wife6 years ago


It happens to all of us if we are lucky enough. Getting to that ripe old age of 37. This time it happens to strike my wife, @reeseshara. I don’t even know why I’m tagging her in this as she pops on here like once every 2 months now for 8 seconds (she loves Facebook & Snapchat). I guess I hope that one day she makes the bold move over to our neck of the woods.


So for now, I guess I will wish her a fantastic Birthday. We are actually doing it fairly low key this year compared to other years. I brought home her favorite cake that she requested...Pineapple Upside Down Cake and the kids and I not only made fun of her last night for liking a lame ass cake but for diving into it before her actual birthday. ( #nowillpower ) I’ll have a different cake for Saturday evening when the company arrives.


Her birthday is today but we are mainly celebrating tomorrow. We are starting off at noon with an hour facial, an hour massage, and a foot treatment. Bomb! Then we will go to lunch somewhere of her choosing. Finally ending it with coming home and getting ready as we have about 12 friends coming over to have some drinks and play some white trash backyard games. Sounds like a win to me.


She works super hard, not only at her job which she kicks ass at, but at home and with the kids. She is always trying to improve the home with different decorative ideas. She’s always said if we somehow (crypto) became wealthy enough for her to do her own thing and not be stressed about money, she would fall in the “decorating” category. I hope one day that comes true.


We laugh a lot together. That’s when we thrive I feel...when we are laughing a lot together. You tolerate and even embrace my geeky side. You see pretty much all the superhero and action movies I want to see which is awesome. You are silly and don’t take yourself too seriously which is a fantastic quality to have. You wear underwear on your face which...well...I dunno why...


She’s a fantastic mom to the kids and all in all, we have a pretty chill household that I am proud of...a lot of it boils down to her being a rockstar so Thank You Sharese. I’m lucky to have you by my side and I’m punching way above my weight with this one folks. Anyone can see that. I love you more that I could ever begin to express in a stupid Steemit post that 3 people will read. Sadly none of those people will be you. Lol


Happy Birthday baby!!!!! We all love you...even though neither of the kids set their stupid alarms last night and one missed school today while the other is going to have terrible breath because he didn’t have time to brush his teeth. Enjoy your day home with that!



More comics than a single human knows what to do with and an actual human family on top of having a great animal family (all the cat pictures recently have amused me, the cat always looks like "why am I here" with the dogs lol), you got it all! Beautiful pictures man, I hope you and yours have a great Birthday weekend.

Thank you. I’ll be putting a post up about that night. Lol. She got fairly hammered.

They are kinda human....sometimes. Yeah the cats are always like “WTF”. Lol.

Thx brother!!

You know when a guy snags a dime and you can't figure out how?

Totally unrelated.

Happy Born Day Mrs. Blewitt!

Lol I love you, Chris! Even though.
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, all! The comments have been the highlight of my morning -besides a birthday bagel. 😊

Love you as well baby. I spit in your bagel though...

Look at your gorgeous little family. 😍 Happy birthday to your wife. All these great things you’ve said about her.... she is a lucky gal to be so adored. Enjoy the two day celebrations. Sorry about the pineapple cake. 🤮 🤣😂😄

Everyone hates my cake. Lol. More for me!

🍍 🎂
Ha ha! This is true and actually excellent planning on your part.

PS - Your hair color is amaze-balls.

Not a wig. Lol
Thank you so much for the high praise! When you're this pale, you gotta have something going for you I guess. 😉

Definitely a wig that she stole from a needy cancer patient. She’s an awful person.

It’s a wig.

Awwww. Thank you so much for the kind words!!! Very sweet of ya. They are all great and enrich my life greatly. Her cake is the weakest.

What a beautiful family. Happy birthday! Although I gotta ask, @reeseshara... who are your top 3 superheroes?

Thank you! I guess my top three would be:
Deadpool, the reluctant good guy with a wicked sense of humor.
Superman, the ultimate good guy - my son is actually named Kalel.
Wolverine for his character's realness and darkness but also dry sense of humor.

I've never been asked that before so that was fun to think about why I really like those guys. Fun fact, Chris has no super powers. I guess that's more of a sad fact. It's a good thing he's a looker 😉😍

Mostly I just wanted to make sure you had an answer. Good job @blewitt. She's a keeper!

Yup! I’m a truly lucky fella in that regard.

My super power is make women make poor decisions by dating me. I’ve excelled and mastered my technique with you sadly.

Thank you brother. Too kind. I definitely knock the family down a notch. Lol

Holy crap, now THAT is a birthday tribute post! My wife's is coming up here in a few days...now I gotta figure out a way to top yours. Thanks for the challenge, and happy birthday to Mrs. Blewitt, who most assuredly did NOT blow it when she accepted that wedding band. :)

It's the worst last name ever. Lol

I dunno...you could always try and re-frame it. Be like, "Actually it's pronounced 'blue-vee'..." whenever someone bothers you about it. :)

Ah yes, it's French you see because we're fancy af. Lol

You spelled BEST incorrectly.

Oh she totally blew it. I actually think there’s something wrong with her. Like she ate a lot of lead pain chips or something when young. To pick me?!? That’s not a sharp gal....just sayin.

Yeah get on her wife’s bday tribute. Shit better be off the hook.

Damn dude. Nice work.
happy B day to your wife

Thank you sir!!! I appreciate it and she was really happy with all the nice words on the post from everyone!!! You rule!

P.S. The "underwear" pic is actually a pink ninja mask - Victoria's Secret was giving them away.

More lies...she steals panties from the gym locker room. Closet sniffer.

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