Wide Open Daily - Day 2

in #wideopendaily6 years ago (edited)

This challenge was started by @ jasonrussell and the goal here is simple: Share your day - As many photos as you want. But they need to be taken at the widest aperture your lens can do. Which for me and my Rokinon kit means T - 1.5

Note - My lenses are measured in T-Stops - You can read about the difference between F and T stops here - I shoot using cinema lenses - Which are often measured this way. Alright here we go again - Day 2 - Bam! Bam! Say WHAAAA? - Christ I'm a loser.


My plan for the day was - Up at least an hour before dawn - Make a pot of coffee - Have a smoke with the doggo in the backyard while he sniffs around for a place to shit - He does'nt shit - Take him for our daily 5k walk -


He has the runs on someone's lawn a block from home - I dropped the poop bag - Walk away quickly - Continue our walk - Get home just when the wife is waking up -Have a shower (Together if im lucky) Make her breakfast


Leave the house before 10:30 - 11 at the latest - I'd zip across town - Over and Over- Hitting all these spots I had already picked out- Shoot so much super sick stuff at T-1.5 I run out of storage (64gb right now)- I'd have to make a pit stop back at my house so I can offload and refuel on triscuits and mott's garden cocktail - Once the sun was gone I'd head downtown and shoot some more.

deny no way GIF-downsized.gif

In reality I slept in and by the time I had gotten up the wife already took the dog for a walk - had breakfast and showered. I whipped up some scrambled eggs and I left the house to hit up the first spot. I grabbed a coffee and had a smoke on my way there. It's about 15 minutes from my house.

I parked - determined to make the most of the day and see what cool stuff I could shoot. I Put ther 85mm on the camera and started taking pictures. The very ones throughout this post. In order.

I shit you not - The second I took the first photo my phone starts buzzing in my pocket - I look It's my mom -

"Hey how's it going." she asks.

"Things are good. I'm just out shooting right now." I answered.

"Ahh ok cool. You'll have to show me when you get here."

"What do you mean. The next time I come over?"

"UMMM - Excuse me! You're supposed to be coming for easter dinner. Your sisters, Brother inlaw and nephew are coming. I told you about it like a month ago. You said yes. We talked on Wednesday. I reminded you and you said - Again - You were coming." She was pretty pissed.

"I'm just kidding - Its at 4?" I took a guess.

"That's why I'm calling your sister is coming early can you get here for 3pm?"

"Yeah sure no problem" I answered looking at my watch- 1:15pm.

I snapped a few more quick shots. Below Is the final photo I took before getting in my car and rushing home to tell my wife we had less than 2 hours to get to my mothers for an Easter dinner I failed to tell her about.


Anywho tune in tomorrow for more...... What the hell am i talking about tune in. Who the F* do I think I am.

Until next time.
E - Out!

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