A Most Embarrassing Situation

in #whysoserious6 years ago (edited)


So Totally Embarrassing

The only good thing about getting older is that time puts things into perspective. Things that seemed SO huge when going through it, now aren't so big of a deal. In fact now its fun to sit back and have a chuckle at the absurdity of it all.


The Back Story

So the other day I read a post by @damira where she was talking about a funny story from her life. Of course the story happened to trigger a memory for me from twenty some years ago.

I Put Up a Video for Those that Would Rather View It.

So back in the day I was a stockbroker. I can remember like yesterday the time I called my client Leroy up. Now this was back when answering machines were the micro cassette type. (See I told you all I was old!) Now I called up and got an answering machine. Old Leroy's message was so horrible because the tape was going bad, or the machine, or both!

Well this was just too much fun not to share, so I hung up the handset and called over my work friend Bart to hear the warbly message. I said, "Bart you got to hear this guy's message." as I dialed the number and place the call on hands free speaker phone. We were quietly snickering and giggling like little girls before the message was over.

I then placed the handset down and tore into my rendition of Leroy's s silly answering machine. Of course in no time we were both howling with short lived delight! After a minute or two of much mocking and laughing, we heard a loud tone come from the phone....


In that instant we froze and quickly realized what had happened. I was in such a rush to get into my impression of the message, I had forgotten to press the button to release the call. Just putting the handset in the cradle did not kill the call! I was mortified and so embarrassed!!!

I had to tell my manager what had happened. We knew Leroy would want to be in soon to get the situation sorted out. For days the secretaries would intercom me to say Leroy is waiting to see you. Of course I would go out the but no Leroy in sight. The secretaries got the biggest kick out of this.. until Leroy did come in...

Fortunately Leroy was pretty cool with it after I gave my heartfelt apology. In fact we became friends and he even recommended me so I got his ex wife's account. All is well that ends well LOL!

Hopefully you enjoyed a bit of schadenfreude!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
YouTube Main channel
YouTube Photography
YouTube ASMR/Mukbang



Oh my!😂😂😂I could somehow see you giggling there having so much fun hahhaa great story, thank you for making my day😁

Thank you very much for your story that brought this memory up for me!

That was a good one! Haha! Can you imagine those secretaries and how much fun they had??

You are seriously a hoot! And yes, I am still laughing!

That was good. :)

Glad you had fun with it. Seems like the ladies always enjoyed picking on an old guy...

We really do

Loved reading your story @old-guy-photos it has a perfect blend of photos in it will be looking forward gor more such articles!!

Thanks so much!

Followed you for more wonderful articles like this fella!

I think I'd be pretty tense :D But then again, people have to be able to take a joke, don't they?

It was tense for sure LOL.

Uff! Oh my! That is crazy! Lol

Yep! Not my best moment!

That feeling, when your stomach drops out the bottom of your shoes when you realize what you've done. If only run around the earth real fast, and go back in time. As you say, nice when you can laugh about it later. Not quite as easy on the day.
I've done a few of these myself. Even been set up by 'friends' on the phone. Stomach still goes out the tennies, no matter what.
Thanks for a fun story, enjoyed it muchly.

That describes it...stomach drop followed by panic LOL

I work in CS and this is my biggest scare! :O

Yeah it was a bad move on my part lol.

I will be scared to that if I was you. .
but very funny. 😂😂

yes lol. I was really shook up for a while lol.

I would be mortified! I'd probably cry. A lot.

Yes it was NOT my finest hour LOL

Yes indeed a funny situation. hahaha

Yes it is now anyways lol.

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